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Review and Compliance (Section 106)

Section 106 update: If your federal project complies with Executive Order Declaring a National Energy Emergency, please submit your project for SHPO review to section106@history.ok.gov and for OAS review to kaiteywilliamson@ou.edu and oascap@ou.edu. All email subject lines should read “National Energy Emergency” and must be submitted by the federal agency or their delegated authority. As always, SHPO and OAS will respond in their allotted time. Thank you.

Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act stipulates that federal agencies must consider the effects of their undertakings on properties listed in or eligible for the National Register of Historic Places. The State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) has an important role in this process and consults with the Oklahoma Archeological Survey under the program. The SHPO assists federal agencies or their recipients of funding, license, or permits to determine if significant archeological or historic resources are located within the project area and, if so, whether the undertaking will impact those properties. Depending on the situation, the SHPO helps the agency to develop appropriate mitigation of any adverse effects on these valuable resources. For detailed information, contact Kristina Wyckoff at 405-521-6381 or Kristina.Wyckoff@history.ok.gov.

Section 106 Introduction

Review & Compliance (Section 106 Process) Fact Sheet (PDF)

Frequently Asked Questions About Section 106 Review (PDF)

National Register Criteria for Evaluation

Interactive NRHP Map (unrestricted locations)

Section 106 Process

Review & Compliance (Section 106 Process) Manual (Updated November 2015)
(To access the Table of Contents links, please right click and choose "Save As" or "Save Link As" and save the manual to your computer)

Tribal Governments and Section 106 Consultation

Oklahoma SHPO Consultation Form

Guidance on Section 106 Agreement Documents

ACHP Template Agreement Documents (MOA)

Map Checklist for OKSHPO Section 106 Reviews

Historic Preservation Resource Identification Forms (including resource ID, cemetery, and bridge forms)

Section 106 Databases (searchable)

Search the DOE List

Search Tower Projects

National Register of Historic Places

Oklahoma Landmarks Inventory
Includes SHPO's inventory of architectural/historic resources

Section 106 Databases (lists only)

DOE List (Excel, updated quarterly–January, April, July, and October)

Tower Projects (Excel, 1989 through 2017)

Oklahoma Properties Listed in the National Register Oklahoma's National Register Handbook