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Oklahoma Resources

The Gateway to Oklahoma History

Search, browse, and view historic Oklahoma newspapers and photographs online for free at gateway.okhistory.org.

The Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture

Read more than 2,600 entries exploring Oklahoma the people, places, and events that shape Oklahoma history.
Visit The Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture.

The Chronicles of Oklahoma

Read past issues of The Chronicles of Oklahoma on The Gateway to Oklahoma History gateway.okhistory.org.

Symbols and Emblems

Do you know our state beverage, state colors, or motto? Oklahoma has adopted many symbols to celebrate the wonders of our state. View the full list.


View a complete list of governors from Oklahoma Territory to the present.

Constitution of the State of Oklahoma

There are numerous ways to explore Oklahoma's constitution online:

Counties and County Seats

See a listing and map of Oklahoma's seventy-seven counties and county seats.

Oklahoma's Route 66 Repositories

There are multiple Route 66 repositories in the state of Oklahoma. Learn more.

Tulsa Race Massacre Report

Tulsa Race Riot: A Report by the Oklahoma Commission to Study the Tulsa Race Riot of 1921, published in 2001, is online.
Download a PDF the report

Territorial Incorporation Records

View scans of incorporation records for Oklahoma and Indian Territories 1890–1907. Search now.

Additional Oklahoma Resources Online