Statutes, Rules, and Governance
In accordance with the Oklahoma Government Website Information Act (O.S. 74 §3106.3–4), the Oklahoma Historical Society provides the following links to statutes, rules, and articles, which pertain to the agency.
Use these links to jump to a specific section:
Oklahoma Administrative Code (rules)
Open Meeting compliance
Oklahoma Constitution
Oklahoma statutes
OHS governing and planning documents
Memoranda of understanding
Office of Tribal Relations
Personally identifiable data
Oklahoma Administrative Code (Rules)
OAC 120:10-11-8.1. Certificate of Appropriateness
OAC 735:80-7-8. Disposition of unclaimed property other than cash
OAC 320:15 Oklahoma Heritage Preservation Grant Program Rules (PDF)
OAC 320:20 Oklahoma Civil Rights Trail Program
Open Meeting Compliance
The Oklahoma Historical Society complies with the Oklahoma Open Meeting Act, O.S. § 301–314. Use the links below to view meeting information.
Oklahoma Historical Society Board of Directors meetings
Oklahoma Historical Society Board of Directors Executive Committee meetings
Oklahoma Historical Society Burkhart Trust meetings
Historic Preservation Review Committee meetings
Oklahoma Route 66 Centennial Commission meetings
Oklahoma Constitution
Okla. Const. Art. 10, §37 Bond issue for capital improvements at state institutions
Okla. Const. Art. 10, §38 Indebtedness for capital improvements at state institutions
Okla. Const. Art. 10, §43 State construction, remodeling or other capital improvements - Amount of indebtedness - Payment and discharge of debt - Issuance of bonds
Oklahoma Statutes
Title 2. Agriculture
Chapter 1 - Agricultural Code
§16-71.4. Lands Leased to State
Title 12. Civil Procedure
Chapter 2 - General Provisions
§24.1. Disposal of Records
Title 19. Counties and County Officers
Chapter 10 - County Commissioners
§339.1. Sale of County-Owned Property to Oklahoma Historical Society
Title 21. Crimes and Punishments
Chapter 47 - Human Remains and Tissue, Burial, Cemeteries, and Funerals
§1168. Definitions
§1168.2. Institution's and Museum's Duty to Consult Tribal Leaders or Others before Final Disposition of Remains
§1168.3. Punishment for Display of Open Burial Ground, Furniture or Remains for Profit
§1168.4. Duty to Report Discovered Remains - Penalty for Failure to Report - Persons to Notify
§1168.5. Designation of Repository for Unclaimed Remains for Scientific Purposes
§1168.7. Government Agencies' Discovery of Remains - Duties
§1739. Library Theft
Title 25. Definitions and General Provisions
Chapter 8 - Public Meetings
Oklahoma Open Meeting Act
§301. Short Title
§302. Public Policy
§303. Times and Places - Advance Notice
§304. Definitions
§304. Definitions
§305. Recording of Votes
§306. Vote By Electronic or Telephonic Communications
§307. Executive Sessions
§307.1. Videoconference Exceptions
§308. Meeting Between Governor and Majority Members of Public Body
§309. Legislature
§310. Legislative Committee Members Attending Executive Sessions
§311. Public Bodies - Notice
§312. Written Minutes
§313. Actions Taken in Willful Violation of Act
§314. Violations - Criminal Penalties - Civil Relief
Chapter 50 - Tobacco
§1247. Smoking in Certain Public Places Prohibited - Punishment
Chapter 69 - Malicious Mischief
§1785 Tearing or Destroying Literature or Art
Title 47. Motor Vehicles
Chapter 74 - Oklahoma Vehicle License And Registration Act
§1135.5. Additional Official Special License Plates - Support and Financial Assistance for Organizations
Title 51. Officers
Chapter 1 - General Provisions
§24A.11. Confidential Library, Archive, or Museum Materials
§24A.13. Confidential Federal Legislation Records
§24A.19. Confidential Nature of Research Information
§ 24A.25. Removal of Materials from the Public Record
Title 53. Oklahoma Historical Societies and Associations
Chapter 1A - Oklahoma Historical Preservation Act
§1.1. Short Title
§1.2. Creation of Oklahoma Historical Society
§1.3. Duties of the Oklahoma Historical Society
§1.4. Additional Powers and Duties - Historic Sites Revolving Fund - Vandalism - Penalties
§1.4a. Office of Tribal Relations
View tribal compacts page
§1.5. Arts and Crafts Programs, Exhibits and Shows
§1.6. Oklahoma Historical Society - Members
§1.6a. Employment of Seasonal Employees
§1.7. Accounts and Reports - Donation of State Publications
§1.8. Contributions - Gifts - Donations - Real Property
§1.9. Title to Locally-Owned Historical or Recreational Site - Approval of Funding
§1.10. Historical Society Revolving Fund
§1.10a. Oklahoma Historical Society Capital Improvement and Operations Revolving Fund
§1.12. Petty Cash Fund
§1.12a. Deposit of Gifts, Devises, Bequests, Money or Property - Power to Hold, Invest, Sell, and Use Funds
§1.15. Certified Copies of Documents - Evidence - Fees
§1.16. Union Soldiers' Room
§1.17. Confederate Soldiers' Room
§1.18. Dispensation of Funds - Limitations
§1.20. Donation Receptacles
§1.21. Entry Fee for Museums and Historical Sites
§1.22. Discretion to Trade, Sell, or Barter Donated and Deaccessioned Items
§2.1. Punishment for Damaging Historic Items
§4.7. Hours of Public Access to Wiley Post Building
§4.9. Lands to be transferred to State
§4.12. Operation and Management of Robert S. Kerr Museum
§5.1. Oklahoma Museum of History
§5.2a. Authorization to Sell Surplus Property
§5.2b. Authority to Transfer Historic Properties - Process for Sale and Transfer of Title
§5.3. State Participation in Annual National History Day Competition
§6.1. Administration of Certain Gravesite Markers by the Oklahoma Historical Society - Funding
Chapter 1B - Buffalo Soldiers Heritage Corridor
§7.1. Creation of Buffalo Soldiers Heritage Corridor - Purpose
§7.2. Administration of Buffalo Soldiers Heritage Corridor - Private-Public Partnership - Participation
§7.4. Buffalo Soldiers Heritage Corridor Fund
Chapter 3 - Will Rogers Museum
§45.1. Transfer of Property, Personnel, and Funds of Will Rogers Memorial Commission to Oklahoma Historical Society
§46. Petty Cash Fund
§47. Amount - Procedures - Reimbursement
§47.2. Powers of the Oklahoma Historical Society on Behalf of the Will Rogers Memorial
§47.3. Preservation of Property
§47.4. Research Library - Sales - Revolving Fund
§47.4A. Will Rogers Memorial Revolving Fund
§47.5. Surety Bond
§47.6. Duties of the Oklahoma Historical Society
§47.8. Will Rogers Homesite - Transfer of Operation to the Oklahoma Historical Society
§47.9. Transfer of Museum Collection Objects - Exemption from Oklahoma Surplus Property Act - Museum Collection Surplus Property
Chapter 7 - Lynn Riggs Players of Oklahoma, Inc.
§82. Oklahoma Historical Society as Depository for Articles, Papers, Etc.
Chapter 20 - Oklahoma State Register of Historical Places
§351. Short Title
§352. Intent of Legislature
§353. Creation of Oklahoma Historic Preservation Review Committee
§354. Executive Director of Society as State Historic Preservation Officer
§355. Creation of State Register of Historic Places
§361. Anthropology and Archaeology - Donation of Materials Found or Discovered - License - Application - Duration - Renewal - Disposition of Fees - Investigation Before Issuance of Permit - False Labeling, Description
Chapter 22 - Heritage Preservation Act
§411. Short Title
§412. Heritage Preservation Grant Program - Purpose
§413. Authority and Duties of the Oklahoma Historical Society
§414. Eligibility for Grants
§415. Permissible Uses of Grants - Preferred Projects
§416. Oklahoma Heritage Preservation Grant Review Committee
§417. Heritage Preservation Revolving Fund
§417. Heritage Preservation Revolving Fund
Chapter 23 - Oklahoma Civil Rights Trail Program
§501. Short Title
§502. Oklahoma Civil Rights Trail Grant Program - Purpose
§503. Oklahoma Civil Rights Trail Revolving Fund
Title 47. Motor Vehicles
Chapter 74 - Oklahoma Vehicle License And Registration Act
§1135.5. Additional Official Special License Plates - Support and Financial Assistance for Organizations
Title 57. Prisons and Reformatories
Chapter 8 - Oklahoma Corrections Act of 1967
§509.3. Following Buildings Maintained as Historical Sites - Management of Historical Buildings
Title 61. Public Buildings and Public Works
State Property
§327. Procedures for State Agency Transactions to Lease, Acquire, Dispose of, or Transfer Real Property
Title 62. Public Finance
Chapter 1 - State Fiscal Affairs
§57.62. Building Bonds Commission as Agency - Indebtedness - Purposes
§157. The Will Rogers Memorial Revolving Fund
§157.1. Deposit of Monies Occurring from Sale of Will Rogers Papers
§908. Oklahoma State Government Asset Reduction and Cost Savings Program
Title 65. Public Libraries
Chapter A - Oklahoma Library Code
§3-114. Deposit of Publications with Publications Clearinghouse
Title 68. Revenue and Taxation
Chapter 1 - Tax Codes
§1353. Purpose of Article - Apportionment of Revenues
§1356. Exemptions - Governmental and Nonprofit Entities
§1403. Use Tax Code Purpose - Apportionment of Revenues
Title 69. Roads, Bridges, and Ferries
Chapter 3A - Oklahoma Route 66 Centennial Commission Act
§4020.1. Purpose
§4020.2. Oklahoma Route 66 Centennial Commission
Title 70. Schools
Chapter 45 - General and Miscellaneous Provisions
§2623. Preference of Scholarship Applicants
Title 73. State Capital and Capitol Building
Chapter 2 - Capitol Buildings
§25. Display of Flags at the Oklahoma Historical Society
§63. Battle Flags and Colors - Display
Chapter 4 - Capitol Grounds and Buildings
§99.11. Oklahoma Historic Capitols Preservation Act Purpose
§99.12. Oklahoma Historic Capitols Preservation Act Definitions
§99.13. Oklahoma Historic Capitols Preservation Act Program Administration
§99.14. Grants Administration by Oklahoma Capitol Complex and Centennial Commemoration Commission
Chapter 6 - Oklahoma Capitol Improvement Authority
Legacy Capital Financing Act
§187A-3. Authorizations - Utilize Funds for Benefit of Oklahoma Historical Society
§302. Authority to Issue Obligations For Completion of History Center For Oklahoma Historical Society
§302.1. Authority to Issue Obligations to Improve the Oklahoma Museum of Popular Culture for the Oklahoma Historical Society
Title 74. State Government
Chapter 4 - Office of Management and Enterprise Services
§72 - Monuments and Markers
Chapter 12 - Oklahoma Planning and Resources Board
§357.4 - Transfer to United States as National Monument or National Military Park
Chapter 17 - Travel and Moving Expenses
§500.18. State Travel Reimbursement Act Provisions Mandatory - Exemptions
Chapter 35A - Oklahoma Native American Liaison
§1207. Oklahoma Native American Liaison
Chapter 47D - Oklahoma Recreation and Development Act
§2294. Oklahoma Museum of Popular Culture
§2294.1 Oklahoma Museum of Popular Culture Supplemental Revolving Fund
§2302. Oklahoma Tourism and Recreation Department, Oklahoma Historical Society, and State Department of Education - Funds
Chapter 49 - Miscellaneous
§3104. Filing and Distribution of Reports
§3105. Information To Be Included In Certain Reports
§3106.1. Publications Officers for State Agencies
§3106.2. Public Website
§3106.3. Oklahoma Government Website Information Act
§3106.4. Information Available on Website - Personally Identifiable Data
§3121. Government Transparency Act of 2019
§3122. State Agency Entering Into a Memorandum of Understanding or Agreement
Chapter 83A - Findings of The 1921 Tulsa Race Riot Commission
§8000.1 - 1921 Tulsa Race Riots
Chapter 102 - The 1921 Tulsa Race Riot Memorial of Reconciliation Design Committee
§8206. Tulsa Race Riot Memorial Transfer of Property - Maintenance
§8207. 1921 Tulsa Race Riot Centennial Memorial Revolving Fund
Chapter 103 - World War II Monument
§8301. Contribution to World War II Memorial - Amount
Chapter 107 - African-American Centennial Plaza
§8403. African-American Centennial Plaza Design Committee
Chapter 110A - Oklahoma Art in Public Places Act
§9030.8. Transfer of Administration of Arts in Public Places Act to Oklahoma Arts Council
OHS Governing and Planning Documents
Oklahoma Historical Society Constitution and Bylaws (PDF)
Oklahoma Historical Society Historic Context Review (PDF)
Oklahoma Historical Society Strategic Plan, FY2025–FY2027 (PDF)
Memoranda of Understanding
The Oklahoma Historical Society provides information regarding memoranda of understanding in compliance with 74 O.S. § 3122.
View list (PDF)
Memoranda of agreements, programmatic agreements, and cooperative agreements of the Oklahoma State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) may be found on SHPO’s agency agreements page.
Office of Tribal Relations
A list of compacts between tribal governments and the State of Oklahoma or political subdivisions is available in accordance with 53 O.S. §1.4a.
View the tribal compacts page.
Personally Identifiable Data
Public Notice on Data Collection
The Oklahoma Historical Society (OHS) may collect personally identifiable data in the course of its duties, interactions, and website traffic or as supplied by merchants, vendors, or other means. The Oklahoma Historical Society may collect data in the course of its duties from historical materials, e-newsletters, memberships, donations, research centers, OHS personnel and volunteers, purchases, research requests, facility use, registration, and vendor/payee Forms. This personally identifiable information is securely stored in compliance with 74 O.S. §3106.4.
“Personally identifiable data” means information which can identify an individual including, but not limited to, name, birth date, place of birth, mother’s maiden name, biometric records, Social Security number, official state- or government-issued driver license or identification number, alien registration number, government passport number, employer or taxpayer identification number or any other information that is linked to linkable to an individual, such as medical, educational, financial or employment information.
The OHS considers and is committed to safeguarding the personal information of Oklahoma citizens among its highest priorities. This commitment to protecting personally identifiable data remains paramount to the way the OHS conducts business on behalf of the public and its members, donors, volunteers, interns, staff, and patrons. The OHS may share information regarding employees for the coordination of employee benefits, retirement, payroll, insurance, and other employee services.
The Oklahoma Historical Society is subject to and complies with the Oklahoma Open Records Act, 51 O.S. §24A.1 et seq. In accordance with said law, some records referenced above must be made available for review and copying upon request. Where required or allowed by law, particular elements of personally identifiable data will be redacted before making the records available. The OHS will also share personally identifiable data in response to a properly issued court order or subpoena.