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Meeting Agenda

Oklahoma Historical Society Board of Directors, Quarterly Meeting
212 S Frankfort Ave., Tulsa, OK 74120
Wednesday, July 28, 2021, 1:30 p.m.
No public comment is permitted

  1. Call to order – President Deena Fisher
  2. Pledge of Allegiance
  3. Ceremonial swearing in of new board members – Deena Fisher
  4. Roll call – Trait Thompson
  5. Discussion and possible approval of the minutes
    1. April 21, 2021, quarterly board meeting
    2. April 21, 2021, meeting of the membership
    3. April 21, 2021, organizational board meeting
  6. Treasurer's report – Terry Howard
  7. Executive Director's report – Trait Thompson
    1. Review of budget projections and expenditures from the fourth quarter (April 1, 2021 to June, 30, 2021)
    2. Report on 2021 legislative session
    3. Report on OKPOP museum
    4. Report on funding request made via American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA)
    5. Report of sale of Alfred Jacob Miller painting that was declare surplus property
    6. Update on the status of the transfer of Will Rogers Birthplace Ranch to the Cherokee Nation
    7. Report on strategic retreat held for division directors in June
    8. Report on new social media staff training program
    9. Report on the new onboarding process for new OHS staff
    10. Report on the status of Historic Fort Supply
    11. Report on initial plans to begin an OHS logo redesign project
  8. Discussion and possible action of budget allocations for Fiscal Year 2022 (July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2022) – Trait Thompson
  9. Discussion and possible action of FY2023 legislative budget requests – Trait Thompson
  10. Discussion and possible action on proposed changes to the Oklahoma History Conference – Larry O'Dell
  11. Discussion and possible consideration of an organizational change with the development of a new communications division – Trait Thompson
  12. Discussion and possible action on the following OHS policies:
    1. OHS Social Media Policy – Evelyn Moxley
    2. OHS Employee Dress Code – Trait Thompson
  13. Nominations and election for the officer of OHS Treasurer
  14. Discussion and possible action on approval of the Friends of the Oklahoma History Center board list, officer list and annual budget – Dan Provo
  15. Notification of Declaration of Emergency at the following OHS sites: – Trait Thompson
    1. Cherokee Strip Museum, Perry, OK, on May 11, 2021
    2. Museum of the Western Prairie, Altus, OK, on June 24, 2021
    3. Pawnee Bill Ranch and Museum, Pawnee, OK, on July 16, 2021
    4. Fort Gibson Historic Site, Fort Gibson, OK, on July 20, 2021
  16. New business
  17. Announcements – Board member update
  18. Adjournment

Twenty minutes following the conclusion of the meeting there was a tour of the building site of the OKPOP located at 422 N. Main Street, Tulsa, OK 74103.

Amended 7/27/21 at 11:55 a.m.