Oklahoma Historical Society Logos
Logo Usage
The Oklahoma Historical Society (OHS) logo should only be used in conjunction with partner events, OHS sponsorships, or programs funded by the OHS. We reserve the right to ask users to remove our logo from their materials. If you have questions about logo usage, please contact Director of Communications Jessica Brogdon at jessica.brogdon@history.ok.gov or 405-522-0780.
Contact Us
Jessica Brogdon
Download Logo Files
The OHS logo includes both the sunrise mark and the text; these elements are not to be separated. Do not use the mark without the text.
Use the links below to download logo files. All logos must meet the minimum size requirements listed below.
- JPG files are smaller files with a white background. These RGB files are best used for screens.
- PNG files have a transparent background. These RGB files are best used for screens.
- EPS files are vector files with a transparent background. These CMYK files are the best format for print design.
Stacked Logos
The minimum size for the stacked logo is one inch wide in print materials and 72 pixels wide in digital formats.
Horizontal Logos
The minimum size for the horizontal logo is 1.75 inches wide in print materials and 126 pixels wide in digital formats.
Oklahoma Heritage Preservation Grant Program Logos
These logos should only be used by Oklahoma Heritage Preservation Grant recipients. The minimum size is 1.75 inches wide in print materials and 126 pixels wide in digital formats.