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Ellis County
Location: in Arnett vicinity, 11 miles south of Arnett on US-283
Material: Aluminum
Topics: Early Statehood, 1907–1941; Government; Settlement Patterns

Grand was the county seat of Day County in Oklahoma Territory until statehood, and the seat of Ellis County until 1908. Little remains today to indicate its importance in territorial and early statehood days.

Note: The marker is in poor condition, with faded paint and lettering.

Great Western Cattle Trail

Ellis County
Location: on OK-46, eleven miles north of Gage
Coordinates: Unknown
Material: Unknown
Sponsor(s): Unknown
Topics: Ranching; Territorial Period, 1861–1907; Transportation

From 1874 to 1893, millions of cattle and horses were driven from Texas over the westernmost of the famous cattle trails. The trail crossed the Red River at Doan's Crossing in Jackson County and continued north to Dodge City, Kansas.

Note: This marker is presumed missing.

Military Road Crossing From Fort Supply

Ellis County
Location: on US-283, six miles south of Shattuck

A military road from Dodge City, Kansas, via Fort Supply to Fort Elliott, Texas, carried supply wagons and a daily stagecoach through this area from 1874 to 1890.

Military Road Crossing from Fort Supply

Ellis County
Location: on OK-15, 1/2 mile east of Gage

See Military Road Crossing from Fort Supply.

Western Cattle Trail

Ellis County
Location: in Fargo City Park, Fargo
Coordinates: 36.376967, -99.617717
Material: Granite
Sponsor(s): Fargo Chamber of Commerce
Topics: Ranching; Territorial Period, 1861–1907; Transportation

Beginning in 1874, millions of cattle and horses were driven from Texas through what became western Oklahoma over the westernmost of the famous cattle trails. The trail crossed the Red River and Doan's Crossing in Jackson County and continued north to Dodge City, Kansas. By the 1880s, many drives continued past Dodge City into Nebraska, Wyoming, Montana, and Canada. The last recorded use of the trail occurred in 1894. Cattle were watered and bedded down overnight along Boggy Creek in the vicinity of this marker. The main trail crossed Wolf Creek at Horseshoe Crossing approximately two miles north of this marker.

Note: This marker could not be located and is presumed missing.

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Matthew Pearce
Oklahoma Historical Society
800 Nazih Zuhdi Drive
Oklahoma City, OK 73105