Historical Marker Program
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Your search returned 7 results.
Buffalo Springs
Garfield CountyLocation: on US-81, 1 1/2 miles north of Bison
Coordinates: 36.2150336,-97.8872384
Material: Aluminum
Topics: American Indians; Indian and Frontier Trade; Land Openings; Ranching; Territorial Period, 1861–1907; Transportation
The springs were a favorite rest stop on the Chisholm Trail on long cattle drives from Texas to Kansas. A pioneer merchant, trader, and explorer, Jesse Chisholm, a Cherokee, established the trail through western Indian Territory before the Civil War. Texas cattlemen used the trail until the late 1880s to move millions of cattle to northern markets. The trail ran from Montague County, Texas, to Abilene, Kansas. Buffalo Springs was an important gathering place for settlers making the land run on April 22, 1889.

Cherokee Strip
Garfield CountyLocation: on US-81 near Garfield-Kingfisher County line south of Bison
Coordinates: 36.164368,-97.8900864
Material: Aluminum
Topics: Agriculture; Government; Land Openings; Territorial Period, 1861–1907
Opened by Run, September 16, 1893. On line here, 15,000 waited for carbine signal fired by cavalryman at High Noon. Lt. C. A. Hedekin, commanding Troop A, US Cavalry Race for land started from post on knoll half mile west, by wagon, buggy, bicycle, horse and train. IN 60 by 90 mile area, every acre claimed by nightfall. The first settlers reached Enid from here.

Chisholm Trail
Garfield CountyLocation: North of Enid on Highway 81 on the east side of the road just north of the Highway 45 intersection
Coordinates: 36.4641915,-97.8731928
Material: Granite
Sponsor(s): Jesse Chisholm Trail and Memorial Association
Topics: American Indian and Frontier Trade; American Indians; Territorial Period, 1861–1907; Transportation; Westward Expansion, 1803–1861
Here passed the old cattle trail, blazed by Jesse Chisolm, which finally stretched for eight hundred miles, from San Antonio, Texas, to Abilene, Kansas, over which cowboys from the pasturelands of the great southwest drove the herds to the railroads. Many tales of the adventure will perhaps remain untold with the passing of those who traveled the trail. To them, this memorial is dedicated, in the year 1945.

Enid High School Observatory
Garfield CountyLocation: 500 S. Independence, Enid, OK 73701
Coordinates: 36.388302,-97.8862934
Material: Aluminum
Topics: Education; Government; Social/Cultural
The observatory at Enid High School has been an inspiration to generations of local students. Now called the Dr. Nancy Currie-Gregg Observatory, the roof-top facility was the brainchild of Jim Smeltzer, a young physics teacher. Through his efforts, funding for the observatory was obtained in 1962 through the National Defense Education Act (NDEA), a Cold War-era federal program established in response to the Soviet Union's launch of the Sputnik I satellite in 1957. The NDEA sought to strengthen science and technological training in America's schools and ignited what came to be known as the Space Race. With the dome's construction in 1963 and the installation of an eight-inch telescope in 1965, Enid became the only high school observatory in Oklahoma. Astronomy curriculum created by Smeltzer brought both state and national attention to the district. Through the years, students viewing the night sky from this place have become astronomers, physicists, educators, engineers, researchers, and doctors, among many pursuits. Dr. Currie-Gregg was a NASA Astronaut who flew four times on the Space Shuttle. In 2017 she and her husband, Tim, an EHS alumnus, led the community-wide effort to preserve and modernize this important educational resource.

Government Springs
Garfield CountyLocation: at northwest corner of Government Springs Park in Enid (DAR)
Coordinates: 36.3924789,-97.8717339
Material: Granite
Sponsor(s): Enid Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution
Topics: American Indians; Ranching; Social/Cultural; Transportation
Government Springs was a camping place on the Chisholm Trail used originally by Indians and later by all travelers. See Buffalo Springs.

Horse Watering Trough
Garfield CountyLocation: at intersection of East Maine Street and South Grand Avenue in Enid (DAR)
Coordinates: 36.3954215,-97.8785324
Material: Granite
Sponsor(s): Daughters of the American Revolution
Topics: Recreational/Service; Social/Cultural; Urban Development
The solid granite trough was originally located in the public square in downtown Enid and was used through the decades as a place to water thirsty horses and later as the center of a children's wading pool.

Northwestern Academy
Garfield CountyLocation: in City Park in Carrier (DAR)
Coordinates: 36.4771082,-98.0223918
Material: Granite
Sponsor(s): Daughters of the American Revolution and Carrier Community Association, 1968
Topics: Education; Religion/Philosophy; Territorial Period, 1861–1907
Northwestern Academy opened in 1898 under the auspices of the Congregational Home Missionary Society of Boston, Massachusetts. A three-story building was the prominent structure of the school that was an important educational and religious center for twelve years.

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Matthew Pearce
Oklahoma Historical Society
800 Nazih Zuhdi Drive
Oklahoma City, OK 73105