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Camp Supply

Woodward County
Location: on US-183, one mile east of Fort Supply
Topics: American Indians; Government; Military; Territorial Period, 1861–1907

The site was used as a supply camp for Colonel George Armstrong Custer's 7th Cavalry in 1868. General Philip Sheridan received Custer here when he returned from the Battle of the Washita in December of 1868. The name was changed to Fort Supply in 1878 and abandoned in 1894. The State of Oklahoma later used the buildings for a hospital.

Civilian Conservation Corps and Boiling Springs State Park

Woodward County
Location: in Boiling Springs State Park
Material: Granite
Topics: Early Statehood, 1907–1941; Environmental/Cultural Ecology; Government; Recreation/Service; Social/Cultural

Company 2822 of the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) built the Boiling Springs State Park from 1935 to 1940 as part of the federal government's program to provide jobs during the Great Depression.

The Cooper Site

Woodward County
Location: Fort Supply
Sponsor(s): Leland Bement
Topics: American Indians; Environmental/Cultural; Pre-European Contact, before 1541 AD; Recreational/Service; Social/Cultural

Two miles northeast of here is the Cooper Paleo-Indian bison kill site. The site was the scene of three of the largest Folsom (ca. 10,500 years ago) bison kills known. Each event saw more than thirty bison herded into a dead-end gully. Hunters on the gully rim killed the animals with spears tipped with finely crafted Folsom points. A bison skull beneath the second kill was painted with red zigzag lines to ensure a successful hunt. The mineral pigment was red hematite. This is the oldest painted skull in North America and is the earliest evidence of hunting ritual for the Plains region.

Crossing of Fort Supply to Fort Reno Road

Woodward County
Location: on OK-34 at Ninth Street and Jefferson in Woodward
Topics: American Indians; Indian and Frontier Trade; Military; Settlement Patterns; Transportation

Originally a trail from Camp Supply to Darlington in the Cheyenne/Arapaho lands beginning in 1869, the road eventually became the main route of travel and supply between the two western forts.

Crossing of Fort Supply to Fort Reno Road

Woodward County
Location: on OK-50, one mile west and three miles west of Mooreland
Topics: Transportation

See Crossing of Fort Supply to Fort Reno Road.

Military Chapel

Woodward County
Location: at St. John's Episcopal Church at Tenth and Texas Streets in Woodward (DAR)
Sponsor(s): Daughters of the American Revolution
Topics: Military; Religion/Philosophy; Retail; Territorial Period, 1861–1907; Transportation

Once considered to have been a military chapel at Fort Supply, the building was never located at the fort and actually was constructed sometime after 1888 in Woodward. A local businessman later had the building moved to its present location to accommodate a shorter walking distance for his wife.

Military Road Crossing

Woodward County
Location: on US-270, one mile west of Fort Supply (DAR)
Coordinates: 36.578908, -99.591265
Material: Aluminum
Sponsor(s): Daughters of the American Revolution and the Oklahoma Historical Society
Topics: Indian and Frontier Trade; Military; Social/Cultural; Territorial Period, 1861–190; Transportation

Here, between 1874 and 1890, supply wagons, a daily stagecoach, and the US mail moved over this earliest known trail from Dodge City, Kansas to Fort Elliott, Texas. Fort Elliot, first known as “Cantonment on the Sweetwater” was established in the Texas Panhandle after the Kiowa, Comanche and Cheyenne attack on Adobe Walls in June 1874.

Note: This site originally featured a small granite marker in addition to the aluminum marker. The granite marker no longer exists.

Temple Houston (1860-1905)

Woodward County
Location: Sidewalk Peninsula at the Northeast Corner of 9th Street and Main in downtown Woodward, Oklahoma.
Material: Aluminum

Temple Lea Houston, the“lawyer with a gun,” was the youngest child of General Sam Houston of Texas fame. Temple was a gifted orator and an accomplished attorney. Possessed of great intellect, he contributed to the writing of many early Territorial statutes.
On this 800 block of Main Street, from his arrival in Woodward in 1893 until his untimely death in 1905, Temple Houston practiced law, spoke to rapt audiences, participated in a gunfight with the Jennings brothers, and was tried and acquitted for manslaughter in the shooting death of Ed Jennings.
A native Texan, he accomplished more in the last 12 years of his life here in the Oklahoma Territory than most people could achieve over the course of three lifetimes. He rests eternally here in his adopted home of Woodward next to his wife, Laura and three of their children.
"Mr. Houston dies regretted by the people of Oklahoma and Texas, each alike in their regard, one the state of his nativity, the other the land of his adoption. In neither never lived a brighter man or a kinder heart or one who leaves so many friends to regret his death," William Ezra Bolton, 1905

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Matthew Pearce
Oklahoma Historical Society
800 Nazih Zuhdi Drive
Oklahoma City, OK 73105