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Press Release

April 30, 2024

Contact: Sara Werneke
State Historic Preservation Office, Oklahoma Historical Society
Office: 405-522-4478

State Historic Preservation Office to Teach About Historic Preservation Tax Incentives in Free Webinar

OKLAHOMA CITY — On Monday, May 13, at 10 a.m., the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) will hold a free webinar to teach about the Federal Historic Preservation Tax Incentives program.

Participants will learn about the federal and state investment tax credits for certified rehabilitation of a certified historic structure. A detailed discussion of the Historic Preservation Certification Application, Parts 1, 2, and 3, will guide owners and developers in successfully preparing the information needed for the SHPO to review the project and for the National Park Service to certify it.

Registration is required. For more information, contact Sara Werneke, tax program coordinator and historic preservation architect, at 405-522-4478 or sara.werneke@history.ok.gov.

The State Historic Preservation Office is a division of the Oklahoma Historical Society. The mission of the Oklahoma Historical Society is to collect, preserve and share the history and culture of the state of Oklahoma and its people. Founded in 1893 by members of the Territorial Press Association, the OHS maintains museums, historic sites and affiliates across the state. Through its research archives, exhibits, educational programs and publications the OHS chronicles the rich history of Oklahoma. For more information about the OHS, please visit www.okhistory.org.


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