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Press Release

March 3, 2025

Contact: Calista Stephens
Fort Towson Historic Site, Oklahoma Historical Society
Office: 580-873-2634

Fort Towson Historic Site to Host Dutch Oven Gathering

FORT TOWSON, Okla. — The Fort Towson Historic Site will hold an event called “Dutch Oven Gathering” on Saturday, March 22, from 9 a.m.-noon. The event is FREE for participants and guests. All are welcome to participate in this informal event.

The talents of local cast iron chefs will be on display at the Fort Towson Historic Site, with each person setting up their outdoor kitchen and preparing delicious treats. The event will be a time for Dutch oven enthusiasts to gather for fellowship, demonstrate Dutch oven cooking skills and introduce the public to the joy of outdoor cooking in cast iron. Registration is required for those who plan to cook.

For anyone who wants to learn more about the art of Dutch oven cooking, this event will be the perfect time to watch and learn.

“We’re looking forward to the sharing of knowledge and ideas that comes when people cook together,” said Calista Stephens, Fort Towson Historic Site director. “Everyone uses their equipment differently, and we’re sure that guests will be inspired to try new things.”

For more information about the events or to register to cook at the “Dutch Oven Gathering,” call 580-873-2634 or email fttowson@history.ok.gov. The Fort Towson Historic Site is located at 896 N. 4375 Rd. in Fort Towson.

Fort Towson Historic Site is a division of the Oklahoma Historical Society. The mission of the Oklahoma Historical Society is to collect, preserve and share the history and culture of the state of Oklahoma and its people. Founded in 1893 by members of the Territorial Press Association, the OHS maintains museums, historic sites and affiliates across the state. Through its research archives, exhibits, educational programs and publications the OHS chronicles the rich history of Oklahoma. For more information about the OHS, please visit www.okhistory.org.


Editor’s Note: Photos of the Fort Towson Historic Site are available upon request.

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