Press Release
March 6, 2025
Contact: Lynda Ozan
State Historic Preservation Office, Oklahoma Historical Society
Office: 405-522-4484
Federal Helium Program to be Highlighted in State Historic Preservation Office Webinar
OKLAHOMA CITY — On Tuesday, March 25, at noon, the State Historic Preservation Office will host a webinar to discuss the history of the Federal Helium Program and the pipeline that moved helium from Texas through Oklahoma to Kansas. The guest speakers are from the U.S. General Services Administration and Stantec.
The Federal Helium Program included a 425-mile Federal Helium Pipeline that was built in 1962. The pipeline transported helium from the Texas panhandle through the Oklahoma panhandle into central Kansas and is still in use today.
Register online for the webinar. For more information, contact Deputy State Historic Preservation Officer Lynda Ozan at 405-522-4484 or lynda.ozan@history.ok.gov.
The State Historic Preservation Office is a division of the Oklahoma Historical Society. The mission of the Oklahoma Historical Society is to collect, preserve and share the history and culture of the state of Oklahoma and its people. Founded in 1893 by members of the Territorial Press Association, the OHS maintains museums, historic sites and affiliates across the state. Through its research archives, exhibits, educational programs and publications the OHS chronicles the rich history of Oklahoma. For more information about the OHS, please visit www.okhistory.org.