Aces and Actors: Will Rogers’s Famous Friends exhibit opens
April 25
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The Will Rogers Memorial Museum will open a new exhibit entitled Aces and Actors: Will Rogers’s Famous Friends on Friday, April 25. The exhibit will explore the actor’s vast connections to Hollywood and the then-fledgling industry of aviation through a series of photographs that follow his film career and associations with pilots.
In addition to being a newspaperman, a radio pundit, a humanitarian, and a philosopher, Will Rogers is possibly best known for his film career. Rogers began with silent films and was one of the few movie stars to successfully transition to talkies. He made more than 70 films during his career, which helped him gain international fame.
Rarely seen Walt Disney sketches of Will Rogers will be a part of the display for one week only before they return to the vault for safekeeping.
This exhibit opening will coincide with WRMM’s Movie Night featuring The Wizard of Oz. The exhibit will also feature actress Billie Burke, who played Glinda, the Good Witch of the North, in the 1939 feature film.