Doaksville Candlelight Tours
October 10, 7 p.m.–10 p.m.
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The annual Doaksville Candlelight Tours will be held on Friday, October 10, and Saturday, October 11, at the Doaksville Archaeological Site in Fort Towson.
The cost for admission is $10. Guests age six and under will be admitted for free. Visitors can pre-purchase tickets at the Fort Towson Historic Site or by calling 580-873-2634. Tours begin at 7 p.m. on both nights, with the last tour starting at 9:30 p.m. Tours will leave from the Fort Towson cemetery every 30 minutes. Guests will cross the WPA wall to enter the historic town and begin their guided walking tour. Each tour will last approximately one hour. This event is first come, first served with advanced ticket holders seated first. Guests should be aware that the terrain is rugged.
In commemoration of the 160th anniversary of Stand Watie’s surrender following the Civil War, scenes will focus on Doaksville during the war and lead up to Watie’s surrender on June 23, 1865. Included in the cast of characters will be CS Brigadier-General Stand Watie, Union officers, Watie’s escort Captain Kirby, and a company of the Union 6th Missouri Cavalry.
For more information, call 580-873-2634 or email fttowson@history.ok.gov. The Fort Towson Historic Site is located at 896 N 4375 Rd. in Fort Towson.