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April 2025

Lunch and Learn: Register, Research, and Resources: The 1995 Oklahoma City Bombing with Laura Martin and Lynda Ozan webinar

April 15, 12 p.m.1:15 p.m.

The State Historic Preservation Office will hold a FREE webinar on Tuesday, April 15, at noon, focused on the 30th anniversary of the bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building. The building, located in downtown Oklahoma City was bombed on April 19, 1995 at 9:02 a.m. Laura Martin, Deputy Director of the Oklahoma Historical Society’s Research Center, will discuss items in their collection pertaining to the Murrah Building, the bombing, and collection items. Lynda Ozan, Deputy State Historic Preservation…

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Lunch and Learn: “Albatross or Asset: Adaptive Reuse of Sacred Places” webinar

April 22, 2 p.m.3:30 p.m.

On Tuesday, April 22, from 2 to 3:30 p.m., Rev. Dr. Rochelle A. (Shelly) Stackhouse, with the Partners for Sacred Places, will discuss the adaptive reuse of sacred buildings. This webinar is free to the public, but registration is required. Register for "Albatross or Asset." See a full list of webinars available through the State Historic Preservation Office.

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May 2025

Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA)

May 6, 10 a.m.11 a.m.

On Tuesday, May 6, at 10 a.m. (Central Time), the State Historic Preservation Office (OKSHPO) will host a free webinar to provide an overview of Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA). This training is intended to provide and introduction or refresher to Section 106 of the NHPA. The OKSHPO strives to convey the importance of the Section 106 process and to assist those who may be involved in the process in Oklahoma. This presentation addresses the basic…

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Best Submittal Practices: Section 106 and National Register of Historic Places (NRHP)

May 15, 10 a.m.11:30 a.m.

The State Historic Preservation Office will hold a free webinar on "Best Submittal Practices: Section 106 and National Register of Historic Places (NRHP)” on Thursday, May 15, from 10 a.m. to 11:30 p.m. This webinar is offered virtually. Click the link below to register. Register for the webinar.

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