Rob Vollmar

Rob Vollmar is the author of an Eisner Award-nominated graphic novel, The Castaways. Drawn by Spanish artist Pablo Callejo, The Castaways follows the story of a young man during the years of the Great Depression. The success of the original publication in 2002 led to international translations and a reissue in hardcover in 2007. Vollmar also worked with Pablo on Bluesman, an ambitious portrait of blues musicians, again set in the 1920s. The literary style of Bluesman reflects Vollmar’s lifelong love of music; the structure of the text mimics the chord progression of a twelve-bar blues song, each bar or phrase comprising one chapter of the tale. Vollmar has also written stories for Tales from the Crypt and critical articles for The Comics Journal. Other critical writing and reviews can be found online at

Vollmar also published the graphic novel Inanna’s Tears, a romantic tale set in the Sumerian desert.