Grade 4 Academic Standards
4.2.1 Use maps and other geographic representations (such as globes and graphs), tools, and technologies to acquire, process, and report information from a spatial perspective.
Research Center Resources
"F.A.P. Route Maps in counties throughout Oklahoma," Oklahoma Department of Highways Collection, OHS
Oklahoma City - Maps, Towns, Historic Oklahoma Collection, OHS
Oklahoma Historical Society Map Collection
Online Primary Sources
"Map of Boston in 1775," ca. 1778, DocsTeach
"Map of the United States," ca. 1826, DocsTeach
Additional Resources
"How Maps Work," HowStuffWorks
"Types of Maps," Geology.com
A. Use and describe various elements of maps, including keys/legends, scale, cardinal, and intermediate directions.
"How to Read a World Globe," Classroom
"5 Elements to Any Map," Mometrix Test Preparation
B. Interpret aerial photographs, satellite images and thematic maps to locate and identify physical and human features of the United States and North America.
The Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture
Jim Gabbert, "National Register of Historic Places"
Jim Gabbert, Melvena Heisch, Glen Roberson, and Charles Wallis "National Historic Landmarks"
Melvena Heisch, "Oklahoma Landmarks Inventory"
Research Center Resources
"Parks – Fountainhead State Park April 19, 1963," Oklahoma State Capitol Central Services Collection, OHS
Online Primary Sources
"Aerial View of the Pentagon from the South Parking Lot," ca. 2003, DocsTeach
Additional Resources
"United States Map and Satellite Image," Geology.com
United States on Google Maps
"Thematic Maps on the Web," New York Public Library
C. Use latitude and longitude to identify the location of physical and human features of the United States.
Research Center Resources
John W. Morris, ed. Boundaries of Oklahoma (Oklahoma City, OK: Oklahoma Historical Society, 1980)
Online Primary Sources
"Ordinance of 1784," ca. 1784, DocsTeach
Additional Resources
"How to Read Latitude and Longitude Coordinates," Darron Gedge’s Geography Channel
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