Oklahoma History Academic Standards
4.4.3 Explain how economic activities can threaten the physical environment.
Oklahoma History Center Education Resources
Traveling Trunks
Oil and Gas
The Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture
Kenny A. Franks, "Petroleum Industry"
Ken Anderson, "Natural Gas"
Research Center Resources
Kenny A. Franks, The Oklahoma Petroleum Industry (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1980)
Paul Lambert, "Natural Gas: Fuel for the Future," in Drill Bits, Picks, and Shovels: A History of Mineral Resources in Oklahoma, ed. John W. Morris (Oklahoma City: Oklahoma Historical Society, 1982)
A. Identify ways in which humans can change ecosystems, such as clearing forests, draining wetlands, and diverting waterways, by examining present-day issues related to the use of resources.
Oklahoma History Center Education Resources
History Alive! Living History
Dust Bowl Housewife
Bison Hunter
Traveling Trunk
Dust Bowl and Great Depression
The Great Depression, the Dust Bowl, and the New Deal in Oklahoma
The Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture
Donald A. Wilhite, "Dust Bowl"
Kenneth S. Johnson, "Lakes and Reservoirs"
Research Center Resources
Michael L. Cooper, Dust to Eat: Drought and Depression in the 1930's (New York: Clarion Books, 2004)
Angus Henry McDonald, Erosion and Its Control in Oklahoma Territory (Washington, D.C.: U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, 1938)
Wind Erosion https://gateway.okhistory.org/ark:/67531/metadc318706/
Reservoir near Ada, Oklahoma
Additional Resources
"How People Modify the Environment"
"Human Interactions with the Environment," The Open University
B. Identify examples of changes in land use in local communities and how the physical environment can be stressed by human activities.
Oklahoma History Center Education Resources
Traveling Trunks
Colonial Agriculture
Oklahoma Agriculture
Fur Trade in Oklahoma
The Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture
Brian Vance, "Water Quality Acts"
Larry O'Dell, "Agricultural Mechanization"
Richard Lowitt, "Environment and Cultural Ecology"
Research Center Resources
Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan, Oklahoma City: Oklahoma Water Resources Board, 1980
Additional Resources
"Land Use," The Environmental Literacy Council
Bonnie Lynn-Sherow, Mechanization, Land Use, and Ownership: Oklahoma in the early Twentieth Century, Madison, Wisconsin: Land Tenure Center, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1996
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