Grade 6 Academic Standards
6.3.2 Identify and describe cultural traits of language, ethnic heritage, religion, and traditions practiced among peoples.
Oklahoma History Center Education Resources
A Fluid Frontier: Minority and Ethnic Groups and Opportunity in Oklahoma
Traveling Trunks
Colonial Games
Colonial Music
American Indian Nations of Oklahoma in the Modern Era
The Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture
John Milbauer, "Cultural Regions"
Jamie Johnson, "Arts and Crafts, African American"
Dennis W. Zotigh, "Powwows"
Marshall Gettys, "Basketry, American Indian"
Daniel C. Swan, "Beadwork, American Indian"
Paula Conlon, "Dance, American Indian"
Alvin O. Turner, "Folk Art"
Martha Hartzog, "Folk Games"
Guy Logsdon, "Folklife"
Dayna Bowker Lee, "Folk Music"
Guy Logsdon, "Shape-Note (Fa-Sol-La) Singing"
Bruce Southard, "Speech Patterns"
Daniel C. Swan, "Traditional Arts, American Indian"
Guy Logsdon, "Western Swing"
Larry O'Dell, "Folk Narrative and Lore"
Jason Baird Jackson, "Foodways"
Jason Baird Jackson, "Oral Tradition, American Indian"
Donald N. Brown, "Immigration"
Research Center Resources
R. Todd Zdorkowski and George O. Carney, "This is My Land: Oklahoma's Vernacular Regions" in Journal of Cultural Geography 5 (Spring–Summer 1985).
Thomas Wikle and Guy Bailey, "Oklahomy Folks Says 'Em Different: Axes of Linguistic Variation in Oklahoma," The Chronicles of Oklahoma 75 (Spring 1997).
Terry G. Jordan-Bychkov, The Upland South: The Making of an American Folk Region and Landscape (Santa Fe, N. Mex.: Center For American Places, 2003).
Benjamin A. Botkin, ed., A Treasury of American Folklore: Stories, Ballads, and Traditions of the People (New York: Crown Publishers, 1944).
Richard M. Bernard, The Poles in Oklahoma (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1980).
Karel D. Bicha, The Czechs in Oklahoma (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1980).
Patrick J. Blessing, The British and Irish in Oklahoma (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1980).
Donald N. Brown, Crossroads Oklahoma: The Vietnamese-American Experience in Oklahoma (Stillwater: Oklahoma State University College of Arts and Sciences Extension, 1981).
Kenny L. Brown, The Italians in Oklahoma (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1980).
Tom Caldwell, "From the Hills of Lebanon: The Syrian-Lebanese in Oklahoma," The Chronicles of Oklahoma 64 (Summer 1986).
Richard C. Rohrs, The Germans in Oklahoma (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1980).
Amy Hill Shevitz, "Past and Future: The Life of the Oklahoma Jewish Community" in The Chronicles of Oklahoma 75 (Spring 1997).
Michael M. Smith, The Mexicans in Oklahoma (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1980).
Henry J. Tobias, The Jews in Oklahoma (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1980).
Children rehearse for the Czech festival, https://gateway.okhistory.org/ark:/67531/metadc360168/
An American Indian beadwork artist demonstrates how to string a frame,
A band plays several traditional Hispanic tunes during the annual Paseo Village Arts Festival,
Lighting the candles of the menorah,
Traditional ritual dancer,
A couple fixes Native dishes at their restaurant,
An American Indian school teacher in Philadelphia, Mississippi, demonstrates how to write the Choctaw language,
An Eastern Indian dance performance,
Additional Resources
"Immigration and Oral History Lesson Plan," Library of Congress
"Immigration and Migration: Our Changing Voices Lesson Plan," Library of Congress
"Lesson Plans," Smithsonian Folkways
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