Grade 6 Academic Standards
6.4.6 Describe the role of citizens as responsible stewards of natural resources and the environment.
Oklahoma History Center Education Resources
The Great Depression, the Dust Bowl, and New Deal in Oklahoma
History Alive! Living History
Buffalo Hunter
Dust Bowl Housewife
Lesson Plans
"Learning about the Great Depression and Dust Bowl through Primary Sources"
Traveling Trunks
Dust Bowl and the Great Depression
Oklahoma Agriculture
The Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture
D. Chongo Mundende, "Conservation Districts"
D. Chongo Mundende, "Soil and Water Conservation"
Brian Vance, "Water Quality Acts"
Richard Lowitt, "Environment and Cultural Ecology"
Larry O'Dell, "Air Quality Acts"
Larry O'Dell, "Endangered Species"
William G. Ross, "Forest Conservation"
Gilbert C. Fite, "Agricultural Adjustment Act"
Research Center Resources
Laurence Drake, History of Conservation in Oklahoma (Oklahoma: Oklahoma Association of Conservation Districts, 1978).
Oklahoma Biodiversity Task Force, Oklahoma's Biodiversity Plan: A Shared Vision for Conserving Our Natural Heritage, ed. Norman L. Murray (Oklahoma City: Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation, 1996).
"Oklahoma City recycling bins"
"Endangered lease tern observation point"
"Student catches samples to measure soil erosion"
"Testing water quality samples"
"Reading a smokestack for emission of pollutants"
Additional Resources
"Recycling Basics," United States Environmental Protection Agency.
"Environmental Stewardship," National Institute of Environmental Health Services.
"Environmental Literacy Teacher Guides," National Geographic.
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