Grade 8: United States History Content Skills
Content Standard 1: The student will analyze the foundations of the United States by examining the causes, events, and ideologies which led to the American Revolution.
Content Standard 2: The student will examine the foundations of the American nation laid during the Revolutionary Era through the contributions of significant individuals and groups involved in the key military and diplomatic events of the Revolutionary War that resulted in an independent nation.
Oklahoma History Center Education Resources
Colonial Dance living history
Colonial Life trunk: trunk description
Colonial Music trunk: trunk description
Continental Soldier trunk
Content Standard 5: The student will analyze the social and political transformation of the United States as a result of the causes, course, and consequences of the American Civil War during the period of 1850 to 1865.
Oklahoma History Center Education Resources
American Indian Nations of Oklahoma in the Modern Era trunk: trunk description
Civil War Laundress living history
Civil War in Indian Territory trunk: trunk description
Games trunk
The Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture
Hughes, Michael A. “Military, Nineteenth Century”
Huston, James L. “Civil War Era”
May, Jon D. “Fort Davis”
May, Jon D. “Fort McCulloch”
Research Center Resources
- Abel, Annie Heloise. The American Indian as Participant in the Civil War (Cleveland, OH: Arthur H. Clark, 1919)
- “Civil War in Indian Territory,” Joseph Thoburn Collection, box 9, folder 15 (OHS)
- Corbett, William P. “Confederate Strongholds in Indian Territory: Forts Davis and McCulloch,” in Early Military Forts and Posts in Oklahoma, ed. Odie B. Faulk, Kenny A. Franks, and Paul F. Lambert (Oklahoma City: Oklahoma Historical Society, 1939)
- Fischer, LeRoy H., ed. The Civil War Era in Indian Territory (Los Angeles: Lorrin L. Morrison, 1974)
- Foreman, Grant. “Fort Davis,” The Chronicles of Oklahoma 17 (June 1939)
- Frazer, Robert W. Forts of the West: Military Forts and Presidios, and Posts Commonly Called Forts, West of the Mississippi River to 1898 (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1988)
- Morrison, W.B. “Fort McCulloch,” The Chronicles of Oklahoma 4 (September 1926)
- Morrison, William Brown. Military Posts and Camps in Oklahoma (Oklahoma City: Harlow Publishing Corporation, 1936)
- Muriel Wright Collection (OHS)
- Rampp, Lary C. and Donald L. Rampp. The Civil War in the Indian Territory (Austin, TX: Presidial Press, 1975)
- Wright, Muriel H. and LeRoy H. Fischer, “Civil War Sites in Oklahoma,” The Chronicles of Oklahoma 44 (Summer 1966)
- “Battle of Pea Ridge, Arkansas Fought March 6, 7, and 8, 1862,” (2037.197, Oklahoma Historical Society Photograph Collection, OHS)
- Chisholm Trail Museum and Seay Mansion Collection, box 1 (OHS)
- “Civil War Map-Battle of Honey Springs” (HISMAP.0098, Oklahoma Historical Society Map Collection, OHS)
- Confederate Memorial Hall Collection, box 1 (OHS)
- Daughters of Union Veterans of the Civil War Collection (OHS)
- “Final Shot of the Centennial, Fired at Fort Towson, Choctaw Nation, June 23, 1965” (21175.19, Frank Parman Collection, OHS)
- Maj. Thomas C. Thoburn Album Collection, box 1 (OHS)
- Ruby Harris Collection, box 1 (OHS)
- “The Civil War, 1861–1865” (HISMAP.WRIGHT.0001, Muriel Wright Collection, OHS)
- “The War in Arkansas, The Battle of Honey Springs, July 17, 1863” (20655.634, Harper’s Weekly and Frank Leslie’s Illustrated Collection, OHS)
Oklahoma Historical Society Oral History Collection
- Interview with Beth T. Meeks, 6/27/1988, father courier, grandfather Confederate general during Civil War (H1988.096)
- Interview with Frances Rosser Brown, 3/9/1984, discusses Honey Springs and Prairie Grove and the splitting of the tribes (H1984.032, H1983.172)
- Interview with Macie K. Myatt, 11/10/1983, granddaughter of Civil War soldier (H1983.172)
- Interview with Virginia Watson Thomas, 8/28/1984, Creek Indian involvement in Civil War (H1984.107)
Additional Resources
Hughes, Michael. "Nations Asunder, Part II: Reservation and Eastern Indians During the American Civil War, 1861–1865,” Journal of the Indian Wars 1:4 (2000)
Content Standard 6: The student will analyze the transformation of politics and society during the Reconstruction Era, 1865 to 1877.
Oklahoma History Center Education Resources
American Indians in Oklahoma trunk: trunk description
(Okietales) Cowboy trunk: trunk description
Games trunk
The Opening of Oklahoma e-exhibit: e-exhibit
One-Room Schoolhouse trunk: trunk description
(Okietales) Pioneer Life trunk: trunk description
Pioneer Woman living history
The Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture
Glasrud, Bruce A. “Buffalo Soldiers”
Hartzog, Martha. “Fort Smith Council”
Hoig, Stan. “Fort Reno”
Janda, Lance. “Fort Sill”
Pennington, William D. “Reconstruction Treaties”
Rea, Bob. “Fort Supply”
Reese, Linda. “Freedmen”
Research Center Resources
- Abel, Annie Heloise. The American Indian Under Reconstruction (Cleveland: Arthur H. Clark Co., 1925)
- Bailey, Minnie E. Reconstruction in Indian Territory: A Story of Avarice, Discrimination, and Opportunism (Port Washington, NY: Kennikat Press, 1972)
- Carriker, Robert C. Fort Supply, Indian Territory: Frontier Outpost on the Plains (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1990)
- “Fort Reno,” Historic Oklahoma Collection (OHS)
- Fowler, Arlen L. The Black Infantry in the West, 1869–1891 (Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1971)
- James, Parthena L. "Reconstruction in the Chickasaw Nation: The Freedmen Problem,” The Chronicles of Oklahoma 45 (Summer 1967)
- Kenner, Charles L. Buffalo Soldiers and Officers of the Ninth Cavalry, 1867–1898 (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1999)
- Wickett, Murray R. Contested Territory: Whites, Native Americans, and African Americans in Oklahoma, 1865-1907 (Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 2000)
- Wilson, Walt. "Freedmen in Indian Territory During Reconstruction,” The Chronicles of Oklahoma 49 (Summer 1971)
- “Fort Reno" (Frederick S. Barde Collection, box 2, OHS)
- “Fort Sill" (Oklahoma Historical Society Photograph Collection, box 2, OHS)
- “Fort Supply" (Harper’s Weekly and Frank Leslie’s Illustrated Collection; Industrial Development and Parks Commission Collection, box 1; OHS)
- “Freedmen" (Aylesworth Album Collection, box 1, OHS)
- Interview with Gideon Nance (H1984.015, Oklahoma Historical Society Oral History Collection (OHS)
- Through the Looking Glass Darkly, Part 1 (F2013.134.2.0024, WKY-TV Film Collection, OHS)
Additional Resources
- Andrews, Thomas F. "Freedmen in Indian Territory: A Post Civil War Dilemma,” Journal of the West 4 (July 1965).
- Hoig, Stan. Fort Reno and the Indian Territory Frontier (Fayetteville: University of Arkansas Press, 2000).
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