Sam Noble Gallery Guide
Early Statehood of Oklahoma, Government and Politics, Law Enforcement, and World War II
Grade Level | Standards Addressed |
Kindergarten |
E/LA Math Science Social Studies K.2.5 Describe family customs/traditions as basic elements of culture (K.2.5) |
First Grade |
E/LA Science Social Studies 1.2.2 Compare the features of urban and rural communities 1.3.3 Explain why people may see events from different points of view 1.4.3 Identify and explain the roles of consumers and producers in the American economy |
Second Grade |
E/LA Math Science 2-PS1-3 Structure and Properties of Matter: A great variety of objects can be built up from a small set of pieces. 2-ESS2-1 Earth Materials and Systems: Wind and water can change the shape of the land. 2-ESS2-1 Influence of Engineering, Technology, and Science on Society and the Natural World: Developing and using technology has impacts on the natural world. Social Studies 2.3.2 Compare perspectives of people in the past to people in the present. 2.4.2 Explain economic interdependence that leads to barter and trade. 2.4.3 Describe the connection between taxes and community services, including schools, sanitation and water, fire and police protection, parks and recreation, libraries, and roads. |
Third Grade |
E/LA Math 3.N.1.4 Use place value to compare and order whole numbers up to 100,000, using comparative language, numbers, and symbols. Science 3-ESS2-2 Weather and Climate: Climate describes a range of an area’s typical weather conditions and the extent to which those conditions vary over years. Social Studies 3.2.2 Examine the interaction of the environment and the peoples of Oklahoma B. Describe how pioneers to Oklahoma adapted to and modified their environment, such as sod houses, windmills, and crops. C. Summarize how the weather and the environment have impacted the economy of Oklahoma in events such as the Dust Bowl, floods, and tornadoes. 3.3.7 Describe cowboy life and cattle drives as typified by experiences along such routes as the Chisholm Trail and the impact of Mexican ranching traditions on the cattle industry and cowboy culture. 3.3.8 Distinguish between the points of view of both Native Americans and settlers regarding the opening of territories in Oklahoma for settlement. 3.4.2 Summarize how the factors of scarcity and surplus and the laws of supply and demand of natural and human resources requite people to make choices about producing and consuming goods and services. 3.4.3 Examine how the development of Oklahoma’s major economic activities have contributed to the growth of the state, including oil and natural gas, industry, agriculture, aviation, tourism, tribal enterprises, and military installations. |
Fourth Grade |
E/LA Math Science 4-ESS3-1 Natural Resources: Energy and fuels that humans use are derived from natural sources, and their use affects the environment in multiple ways. Social Studies 4.2.4 Describe how physical processes of the Earth’s surface impact humans and their environment B. Explain how climate and natural processes including floods, wind, and storms impact how we live. 4.3.1 Identify and describe early settlement patterns of regions in the United States A. Draw conclusions from maps to show how climate, vegetation, natural resources, and historic events affect the location and growth of settlements D. Identify push and pull factors of human migration. 4.4.1 Analyze how humans adapt to and modify their environments in order to survive and grow. A. Explain how humans depend upon the physical environment for food, shelter, and economic activities. B. Distinguish between renewable and nonrenewable resources. C. Explain how physical environments can provide both opportunities and limitations for human activity. 4.4.2 Describe the patterns and networks of economic interdependence among regions of the United States. A. Identify and locate on a map the major cities of the United States, including their relative location to natural resources and transportation routes. B. Identify the major economic activities of each region of the United States by comparing how people satisfy their basic needs through the production of goods and services. C. Describe the relative location of the natural resources, such as fossil fuels, minerals and soils, and their relationship to each region’s major economic activities, including agriculture, manufacturing, transportation, energy, and services. |
Fifth Grade |
E/LA Math Science 5PS3-1 Organization of Matter and Energy Flow in Organisms: Food provides animals with the materials they need for body repair and growth and the energy they need to maintain body warmth and for motion. 5-ESS2-1 Earth Materials and System: Winds and clouds in the atmosphere interact with the landforms to determine patterns of weather. 5-ESS3-1 Human Impacts on Earth Systems: Human activities in agriculture, industry, and everyday life have had major effects on the land, vegetation, streams, ocean, air, and even outer space. But individuals and communities are doing things to help protect Earth’s resources and environments. Social Studies |
Sixth Grade and Seventh Grade |
E/LA Math 6.GM.4.4 Identify and describe the line(s) of symmetry in two-dimensional shapes. 7.A.2.3 Use proportional reasoning to solve real-world and mathematical problems involving ratio. 7.GM.2.2 Find the area and perimeter of composite figures to solve real-world and mathematical problems. Science MS-LS2-4 Ecosystem Dynamics, Functioning, and Resilience: Ecosystems are dynamic in nature; their characteristics can vary over time. MS-ESS3-3 Influence of Engineering, Technology, and Science on Society and the Natural World: The use of technologies and any limitations on their use are driven by individuals or societal needs, desires, and differences in such factors as climate, natural resources, and economic conditions. Thus technology use varies from region to region and over time. MS-LS4-5 Natural Selection: In artificial selection, humans have the capacity to influence certain characteristics of organisms by selective breeding. Social Studies 6.3.4 Describe how migration has affected the human characteristics of places over time. 6.3.8 Evaluate how the three levels of activities (primary, secondary, and tertiary) contribute to the development of a nation and region. 6.4.1 Evaluate the effects of human modification on the natural environment through transformation causes by subsistence and commercial agriculture, industry, demand for energy, and urbanization. 6.4.4 Analyze the impact of plate tectonics, climate and natural disasters on human populations, including forced migration, scarcity of consumer goods, economic activities, and loss of life. 6.5.3 Analyze reasons for conflict and cooperation among and between groups, societies, nations, and regions. |
Eighth Grade |
E/LA Science Social Studies A. Homestead Act of 1862 and the resulting movement westward to free land. D. the development of the Trans-Continental Railroad. |
Oklahoma and US History |
OKH.3.2 Assess the impact of the cattle and coal mining industries on the location of railroad lines, transportation routes, and the development of communities. OKH.3.3 Analyze the influence of the idea of Manifest Destiny on the Boomer Movement including the official closing of the frontier in 1890. OKH.3.4 Compare multiple points of view to evaluate the impact of the General Allotment Act and Dawes Act which resulted in the loss of tribal communal lands through a transfer to individual property and the redistribution of lands, including the Unassigned Lands and the Cherokee Outlet, by various means. OKH.4.7 Identify major sources of local and state revenues and the services provided including education, infrastructure, courts and public safety. OKH.5.5 Evaluate the impact of the boom and bust cycle of Oklahoma’s agricultural production as a response to mechanization and the needs of World War I and its effect as a precursor of the Great Depression. OKH.5.7 Describe the impact of environmental conditions and human mismanagement of resources resulting in the Dust Bowl and the migration of the “Okies”, the national perceptions of Oklahomans and the New Deal policies regarding conservation of natural resources. OKH.6.8 Describe the changing perceptions, both internal and external, of the state and its citizens, as reflected in The Grapes of Wrath, the musical Oklahoma!, Route 66, and the professional basketball team the Oklahoma City Thunder. USH.1.3 Analyze the impact of westward expansion and immigration on migration, settlement patterns in American society, economic growth, and Native Americans. C. Examine the rationale behind federal policies toward Native Americans including the establishment of reservations, attempts at assimilation, the end of the Indian Wars at Wounded Knee, the impact of the Dawes Act on tribal sovereignty and land ownership. D. Compare viewpoints of Native American leadership’s resistance to United States Indian policies as evidenced by Red Cloud in his “Cooper Union” speech, Quanah Parker, and Chief Joseph as expressed in his “I Will Fight No More Forever” speech. USH.4.3 Analyze the impact of the New Deal in transforming the federal government’s role in domestic economic policies. |
Economics |
E.1.1 Define and apply basic economic concepts of money supply, scarcity, surplus, choice, opportunity cost, cost/benefit analysis, risk/reward relationship, incentive, disincentive, and trade-off to a variety of economic situations. E.3.1 Analyze how price and non-price factors affect the demand and supply of goods and services available in the marketplace. |