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Inasmuch Gallery Guide

Crossroads of Commerce Exhibit

Grade Level or SubjectStandards Addressed


Students will develop and apply effective communication skills through speaking and active listening.

K.A.1.2 Recognize, duplicate, complete, and extend repeating, shrinking and growing patterns involving shape, color, size, objects, sounds, movement, and other contexts.

K.3.1 Explain how events of the past may have affected our community and the way we live today.

K.4.1 Describe the basic needs of all people: food, clothing, and shelter; differentiate between these needs and a want.

First Grade

Students will develop and apply effective communication skills through speaking and active listening.

1-LS1-1 Influence of Engineering, Technology, and Science, on Society and the Natural World: Every human-made product is designed by applying some knowledge of the natural world and is built using materials derived from the natural world.

Social Studies
1.4.3 Identify and explain the roles of consumers and producers in the American economy.

1.4.4 Describe the role of banks in the community.

Second Grade

Students will develop and apply effective communication skills through speaking and active listening.

2.N.1.6 Use place value to compare and order whole numbers up to 1,000 using comparative language, numbers, and symbols.

2-ESS2-1 Influence of Engineering, Technology, and Science on Society and the Natural World: Developing and using technology has impacts on the natural world.

Social Studies
2.2.5 Describe how communities modify the environment to meet their needs.

2.4.1 Explain the importance of supply and demand in the consumer and producer relationship.

2.4.2 Explain how barter and trade can lead to interdependence among communities.

Third Grade

Students will develop and apply effective communication skills through speaking and active listening.

3.N.1.2 Use place value to describe whole numbers between 1,000 and 100,000 in terms of ten thousands, thousands, hundreds, tens and ones, including expanded form.

3-ESS3-1 Influence of Engineering, Technology, and Science on Society and the Natural World: Engineers improve existing technologies or develop new ones to increase their benefits (e.g., better artificial limbs), decrease known risks (e.g., seatbelts in cars), and meet societal demands (e.g., cell phones).

Social Studies
3.2.2 Examine the interaction of the environment and the peoples of Oklahoma.

A. Describe how early American Indians used Oklahoma’s natural resources, such as bison hunting, fur trading, and farming.

B. Describe how pioneers to Oklahoma adapted to and modified their environment, such as sod houses, windmills, and crops.

3.2.3 Identify the characteristics of renewable and non-renewable resources and evaluate the role of citizens in conserving natural resources.

3.4.1 Compare differences among human, natural, and capital resources used to produce goods and services.

3.4.2 Summarize how the factors of scarcity and surplus and the laws of supply and demand of natural and human resources require people to make choices about producing and consuming goods and services.

3.4.3 Examine how the development of Oklahoma’s major economic activities have contributed to the growth of the state, including, mining and energy industry, agriculture, aviation, tourism, tribal enterprises, and military installations.

Fourth Grade

Students will read and comprehend increasingly complex literary and informational texts.

4.N.2.6 Represent, read and write decimals up to at least the hundredths place in a variety of contexts including money.

4-ESS3-1 Natural Resources: Energy and fuels that humans use are derived from natural sources, and their use affects the environment in multiple ways.

4-ESS3-1 Natural Resources: Some resources are renewable over time, and others are not.

Social Studies
4.3.1 Identify and describe early settlement patterns of regions in the United States.

A. Draw conclusions from maps to show how climate, vegetation, natural resources, and historic events affect the location and growth of settlements.

B. Identify major American Indian groups and their ways of life in each region, including economic activities, customs, and viewpoints on land usage and ownership.

C. Summarize the reasons for key expeditions of North America by Spain, France, and England and their impact on the development of each region.

D. Identify push and pull factors of human migration.

E. Evaluate the impact of the Columbian Exchange on American Indian groups, African slaves and European settlers, including agriculture, trade, culture, military alliances, control of territory, and the sudden and significant decline of indigenous peoples.

4.4.1 Analyze how humans adapt to and modify their environments in order to survive and grow.

A. Explain how humans depend upon the physical environment for food, shelter, and economic activities.

B. Distinguish between renewable and nonrenewable resources.

C. Explain how physical environments can provide both opportunities and limitations for human activity.

Fifth Grade

Students will read and comprehend increasingly complex literary and informational texts.

5.N.3.3 Add and subtract fractions with like and unlike denominators, mixed numbers, and decimals, using efficient and generalizable procedures, including but not limited to standard algorithms in order to solve real-world and mathematical problems including those involving money, measurement, geometry, and data.

Human Impacts on Earth Systems: Human activities in agriculture, industry, and everyday life have had major effects on the land, vegetation, streams, ocean, air, and even outer space. But individuals and communities are doing things to help protect Earth’s resources and environments.

Sixth Grade and Seventh Grade

Students will read and comprehend increasingly complex literary and informational texts.

6.N.4.4 Solve and interpret real-world and mathematical problems including those involving money, measurement, geometry, and data requiring arithmetic with decimals, fractions and mixed numbers.

Social Studies
6.3.3 Analyze the impact of geography on population distribution, growth, and change, applying geographic concepts of population density, the availability of resources.

6.3.4 Describe how the push and pull factors of migration have affected settlement patterns and the human characteristics of places over time.

6.3.8 Evaluate how the three levels of economic activities (primary, secondary, tertiary) contribute to the development of a nation and region.

6.4.1 Describe the commercial agriculture and industrial regions that support human development.

6.4.2 Evaluate the effects of human modification on the natural environment through transformation caused by subsistence and commercial agriculture, industry, demand for energy, and urbanization.

Eighth Grade

Students will read and comprehend increasingly complex literary and informational texts.

MS-ESS3-1 Natural Resources:  Humans depend on Earth’s land, ocean, atmosphere, and biosphere for many different resources.

MS-ESS3-1 Natural Resources: Minerals, fresh water, and biosphere resources are limited, and many are not renewable or replaceable over human lifetimes.

MS-ESS3-1 Natural Resources: These resources are distributed unevenly around the planet as a result of past geologic processes.

MS-ESS3-4 Human Impacts on Earth Systems: Typically as human populations and per-capita consumption of natural resources increase, so do the negative impacts on Earth unless the activities and technologies involved are engineered otherwise.

Social Studies
8.5.3 Analyze the acquisition of the Louisiana territory, the contributions of the Lewis and Clark Corps of Discovery Expedition, and the eventual establishment of the Indian Territory.

Oklahoma History

Social Studies
OKH.1.3 Compare the goals and significance of early Spanish, French, and American interactions with American Indians, including trade, the impact of disease, the arrival of the horse, and new technologies.

OKH.1.4 Compare cultural perspectives of American Indians and European Americans regarding land ownership, structure of self-government, religion, and trading practices.

OKH.2.1 Summarize and analyze the role of river transportation to early trade and mercantile settlements including Chouteau’s Trading Post at Three Forks.

OKH.5.4 Examine how the economic cycles of boom and bust of the oil industry affected major sectors of employment, mining, and the subsequent development of communities, as well as the role of entrepreneurs, including J.J. McAlester, Frank Phillips, E.W. Marland and Robert S. Kerr, and the designation of Tulsa as the “Oil Capital of the World”.

OKH.6.2 Analyze the impact of economic growth in various sectors including:

A. impact of rural to urban migration

B. development of wind, water, and timber resources

C. continuing role of agriculture

D. emergence of tourism as an industry

E. development of the aerospace and aviation industry including the FAA and the influence of weather research on national disaster preparedness

F. oil and gas boom and bust, including the discovery of new fossil fuel resources

G. improvement of the state’s transportation infrastructures, such as the interstate highway system and the McClellan-Kerr Arkansas River Navigation System.

OKH.6.5 Analyze the evolving relationship between state and tribal governments impacting tribal self determination and control over American Indian lands and resources including issues of jurisdiction, taxation, and gaming.


E.2.3 Answer how the three basic economic questions affect personal income and in turn impact the economic system.

E.2.5 Describe the impact of comparative and absolute advantage upon the three basic economic questions.

E.3.1 Analyze how price and non-price factors affect the demand and supply of goods and services available in the marketplace.

E.4.1 Explain how competition impacts the free market production and the allocation of goods and services to consumers.

E.5.2 Describe how banks allow people to pool their incomes and provide future income through investment in stocks.

E.8.2 Analyze the potential risks and potential gains of entrepreneurs opening new businesses or inventing a new product; determine the financial and nonfinancial incentives that motivate entrepreneurs.

Earth Science

HS-ESS3-1 Natural Resources: Resource availability has guided the development of human society.

HS-ESS3-2 Natural Resources: All forms of energy production and other resource extraction have associated economic, social, environmental, and geopolitical costs and risks as well as benefits. New technologies and social regulations can change the balance of these factors.

HS-ESS3-3 Human Impacts on Earth Systems: The sustainability of human societies and the biodiversity that supports them requires responsible management of natural resources.

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