Mathematics Teacher Gallery Guide
Oklahoma Academic Standards | How the Oklahoma History Center Addresses Oklahoma Academic Standards |
Algebra and Algebraic Reasoning Recognize, duplicate and extend repeating patterns (sound, movement, other contexts) (PK.A.1.2). Represent proportional relationships with tables, verbal descriptions, symbols, and graphs; translate from one representation to another (6.A.1.2/7.A.2.1). Solve multi-step problems involving proportional relationships (distance-time, percent increase/decrease, discounts, tips, unit-pricing) and use proportional reasoning to solve real-world and mathematical problems and to assess the reasonableness of solutions (7.A.2.2-4). Recognize that a function is a relationship between an independent variable and a dependent variable in which the value of the independent variable determines the value of the dependent variable.Identify, describe, and analyze linear relationships between two variables (PA.A.1.1&2.2). Translate between a graph and a situation described qualitatively (A1.A.4.4). Understand functions as descriptions of covariation (how related quantities vary together) in real-world and mathematical problems (A.1.F.1). Represent real-world or mathematical problems using exponential equations (compound interest, depreciation, population growth) and solve these equations graphically (A2.A.1.2). |
Our galleries and hands-on interactives allow students:
Numbers and Operations Recognize when to round numbers and use compatible number to estimate sums and differences (3.N.2.4). Determine, identify, and apply the relationship between ratios, equivalent fractions and percents to solve problems requiring arithmetic including those involving money, measurement, geometry, and data (6.N.3.3&4). |
Recognize and solve real-world mathematical problems by utilizing our hands-on interactives (see interactive guide for examples) and reading our exhibit panels |
Geometry and Measurement Develop an awareness of simple time concepts-yesterday, today, tomorrow, morning, afternoon, and night—within daily life. Determine elapsed time and convert between units of time (K.GM.3.1/4.GM.3). Identify points, lines, line segments, rays, angles, endpoints, and parallel and perpendicular lines in various contexts (4.GM.1.1). Describe, classify, and draw two- and three-dimensional figures. Recognize them in various contexts (4.GM.1.2/5.GM.1.2&3). Use ratios to convert within measurement systems and solve real-world and mathematical problems (6.GM.3). Analyze and draw conclusions based on a set of conditions using inductive and deductive reasoning. Recognize the logical relationships between a conditional statement and its inverse, converse, and contrapositive. Assess the validity of a logical argument and give counterexamples to disprove a statement (G.RL.1.2-3). |
View our collections in person or online to identify, describe and compare objects (2D and 3D) based on common measurable attributes and various contexts By engaging with concrete examples of the past, help develop and reinforce simple time concepts Utilize maps in the galleries and research center to identify points, lines, angles, etc. Examine our exhibit panels to distinguish inductive/deductive reasoning, recognize logical relationships and assess the validity of a logical argument |
Data and Probability Find the measures of central tendency (mean, median, or mode) and range of a set of data and explain or justify which measure of central tendency is most descriptive for your data set (5-6.D.1.1/6.D.1.2). Use proportional reasoning to draw conclusions about and predict relative frequencies of outcomes based on probabilities (7.D.2.3). Compare and contrast dependent and independent events (PA.D.2.3). Apply probability concepts to real-world situations to make informed decisions. For linear and non-linear relationships, make predictions and assess the reliability of those predictions (A1.D.2.4/A2.D.1). Analyze statistical thinking to draw inferences, make predictions, and justify conclusions (A2.D.2.2). |
Our galleries and online content show how to:
Want more opportunities to apply mathematics standards?
Check out our interactive guide on our website: okhistory.org/historycenter/fieldtrips