Pre-Kindergarten through Grade 2: Social Studies Academic Standards
- PK.1 The student will exhibit traits of good citizenship.
- PK.2 The student will demonstrate knowledge of basic physical and human geographic
- concepts.
- PK.3 The student will understand that history relates to events and people of other times and places.
- PK.4 The student will identify basic economic concepts.
- K.1 The student will exhibit traits of good citizenship.
- K.2 The student will demonstrate knowledge of basic physical and human geographic concepts.
- K.3 The student will understand that history relates to events and people of other times and places.
- K.4 The student will identify basic economic concepts.
Grade 1
- The student will analyze their role as a citizen in a community
- The student will demonstrate knowledge of basic geographic concepts.
- The student will examine important events and historical figures in the nation's past.
- The student will describe the characteristics of the American economic system.
Grade 2
- 2.1 The student will explain the importance of the basic principles that provide the foundation of the American system of government.
- 2.2 The student will describe the physical and human characteristics of their environment.
- 2.3 The student will examine the lives of notable Americans who expanded peoples' rights and freedoms through our history.
- 2.4 The student will understand basic economic concepts in the American economy.
Oklahoma History Center Education Resources
Virtual Tour of Oklahoma History Center
Audio Tour of Oklahoma History Center
Social Story for Oklahoma History Center: Webpage | PDF | MS PowerPoint
Timeline of Oklahoma History
Traveling Trunks
African Americans in Oklahoma (trunk and pop-up panels)
American Indian Nations of Oklahoma in the Modern Era
Oklahoma Symbols
Oklahomans and Space
Oklahomans and Space
Activity Sheets
Oklahoma History Center activity sheet
Printable Activities and More
African American History word find
Famous Oklahomans crossword and word scramble
Oklahoma BINGO!
Map of OHS museums and historic sites in Oklahoma
Maps of Oklahoma: with county names | without county names
Oklahoma symbols list
Oklahoma symbols crossword, word find, and bookmark
We Remember…Before and Beyond, An Oklahoma African American History Coloring Book
The Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture
Julia Ann Pledger Daughtery, "Goldman, Sylvan Nathan" (inventor of the shopping cart)
Dianna Everett, "Parking Meter"
Donald Fixico, "American Indians"
Jimmie Lewis Franklin, "African Americans"
Carolyn G. Hanneman, "Ditch Witch"
Michael M. Smith, "Hispanics"
Meghan Iman Attalla, "Ninety-Nines"
Stefanie Lee Decker, "Luper, Clara Shepard"
Stefanie Lee Decker, "Atkins, Hannah Diggs"
Dianna Everett, "Asians"
Dianna Everett, "Cobb, Geraldyn M."
Jimmie Lewis Franklin, "African Americans"
Bill Moore, "Stafford, Thomas Patten"
Bill Moore, "Pogue, William Reid"
Larry O'Dell, "Soucek, Apollo"
Linda W. Reese, "Women"
Michael M. Smith, "Mexicans"
Michael M. Smith, "Hispanics"
Gordon O. Taylor, "Ellison, Ralph Waldo"
Linda D. Wilson, "Wilson, Alma Bell"
Linda D. Wilson, "Haise, Fred Wallace, Jr."
Linda D. Wilson, "Mankiller, Wilma Pearl"
Browse category: Public Servants and Civic Leaders
Research Center Resources
"Alice Brown Davis, First Seminole Chieftainess," (vertical file, OHS)
Bob Burke and Angela Monson, Rosco Dunjee: Champion of Civil Rights (Edmond: University of Central Oklahoma Press, 1998)
"Donna Shirley" (vertical file, OHS)
Jimmie Lewis Franklin, Journey Toward Hope: A History of Blacks in Oklahoma (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1982)
Bill Moore, Oklahomans and Space (Oklahoma City: Oklahoma Historical Society, 2011)
"Native American General: National Hall of Fame for Famous American Indians," (Historic Oklahoma Collection, OHS)
Linda W. Reese, Women of Oklahoma, 1890–1920 (Norman: University of Oklahoma, 1997)
"Shannon Lucid," (vertical file, OHS)
Kaye M. Teall, Black History in Oklahoma: A Resource Book (Oklahoma City, OK: Oklahoma City Public Schools, 1971)
Melvena Thurman, ed., Women in Oklahoma: A Century of Change (Oklahoma City: Oklahoma Historical Society, 1982)
Muriel H. Wright, A Guide to the Indian Tribes of Oklahoma (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1951)
Jimmie Lewis Franklin, Journey Toward Hope: A History of Blacks in Oklahoma (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1982)
Donald E. Green, Rural Oklahoma (Oklahoma City: Oklahoma Historical Society, 1977)
Paul Lambert, et al. Historic Oklahoma: An Illustrated History (Oklahoma City: Oklahoma Heritage Association, 2000)
LaDonna Kramer Meinders, Leaves in the Wind: A Celebration of Childhood in Rural Oklahoma (Perkins, OK: Evans Publications, 1989)
Native American General: National Hall of Fame for Famous American Indians" (Historic Oklahoma Collection, OHS)
"Sylvan N. Goldman" (vertical file, OHS)
Mike Parks, Oklahoma Legends: A Pictorial History of Oklahoma's Indians, Cowboys, Outlaws and Pioneers (Oklahoma City: Oklahoma Press Service, c. 1966)
Kaye M. Teall, Black History in Oklahoma: A Resource Book (Oklahoma City, OK: Oklahoma City Public Schools, 1971)
Melvena Thurman,ed., Women in Oklahoma: A Century of Change (Oklahoma City: Oklahoma Historical Society, 1982)
Tribes in Oklahoma today, with links to tribal government official sites
Terry P. Wilson, The Cart that Changed the World: The Career of Sylvan N. Goldman (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1978)
Muriel H. Wright, A Guide to the Indian Tribes of Oklahoma (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1951)
Map archives (OHS): search archives catalog
Clara Luper Collection (OHS): search archives catalog
American Indian oral histories (OHS): search archives catalog
"Goldman shopping cart in use at Humpty Dumpty grocery store" (21412.M433.7, Z. P. Meyers/Barney Hillerman Photographic Collection, OHS)
"Sylvan Goldman" (20699.73.80.1, State Museum Collection, OHS)
"The Black Maria, the First Complete and Operable Parking Meter" (21412.M48.1, Z. P. Meyers/Barney Hillerman Photographic Collection, OHS)
"The First Parking Meter Installed in Any City in the World, Oklahoma City, July 14, 1935" (20699.4577, State Museum Collection-Sam Flood Collection, OHS)
Additional Resources
Abner, Julie L. Native American Women: A Biographical Dictionary, ed. Gretchen M. Bataille and Laurie Lisa (New York: Routledge 2000)
Darcy, R. et al. Oklahoma Women's Almanac (Stillwater, OK: OPSA Press, 2005
Oklahoma Council for Social Studies
Celebrating Oklahoma History! Oklahoma Moments Video Collection
Oklahoma Department of Libraries, Kids Connections
Ignite Spot Financial Literacy for Kids
Oklahoma state agency maps
Oklahoma State University Library
Historic map collection
Oklahoma City Branch of the Kansas City Federal Reserve
Federal Reserve Education