US History Academic Standards
USH.5.2 Analyze the series of events affecting the outcome of World War II including major battles, military turning points, and key strategic decisions in both the European and Pacific Theaters of operation including Pearl Harbor, the D- Day Invasion, development and use of the atomic bomb, the island-hopping strategy, the Allied conferences at Yalta and Potsdam, and the contributions of Generals MacArthur and Eisenhower.
Oklahoma History Center Education Resources
The 45th Infantry Division
The USS Oklahoma
The Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture
Brad Agnew, "World War II"
William C. Meadows, "Code Talkers"
Bill Corbett, "Prisoner of War Camps"
Tally D. Fugate, "Rationing"
Linda D. Wilson, "War Bond Drives"
James L. Cowder, "Tinker Air Force Base"
Lance Janda, "Women and the World Wars"
Tally D. Fugate, "Wars Production Board"
Bill Corbett, "Prisoner of War Camps"
David G. Loconto, "Italians"
Research Center Resources
Duane K. Hale, "Uncle Sam's Warriors: American Indians in World War II," The Chronicles of Oklahoma 69 (Winter 1991–92).
Leo Kelley, "Bamboo Bombers over Oklahoma: USAAF Pilot Training During World War II," The Chronicles of Oklahoma 68 (Winter 1990–91).
Oscar Lee Owens, The Fighting Men of Oklahoma, 2 Vols. (Oklahoma City, Okla.: Victory Publishing Co., 1946).
Keith Tolman, "Will Rogers Field: The Life and Death of a World War II Airbase," The Chronicles of Oklahoma 79 (Spring 2001).
Tulsa (Oklahoma) World, 1 December 1991.
"World War, 1939–1945," Vertical File, Research Division, Oklahoma Historical Society, Oklahoma City.
"First of a large scale movement of Japanese from west coast areas stand in line in Manzanar, Calif., awaiting assignment to com-munity houses in internment camp there." https://gateway.okhistory.org/ark:/67531/metadc767671/
"Elmer Morriss, Ringling, Okla., WWII veteran and triple amputee." https://gateway.okhistory.org/ark:/67531/metadc476760/
"NORMAN, Feb. 8 - The Arnold air society members of the University of Oklahoma's airforce ROTC unit have voted unanimously to name their newly-organized squadron in memory of Waddy Young, former OU All-America end and captain in the airforce who was listed as missing in action in World war II." https://gateway.okhistory.org/ark:/67531/metadc767726/
"A $500,000 armory for local army reserve units will be dedicated November 19 in honor of Oklahoma City's only native son to win the Medal of Honor." https://gateway.okhistory.org/ark:/67531/metadc573283/
"Monica Corona, Oklahoma City G. I. Forum Queen and Joe Borias forum chairman, place a wreath on the grave of Medal of Honor recipient Manuel Perez Jr. at Memorial Day services at Fairlawn Cemetery in Oklahoma City." https://gateway.okhistory.org/ark:/67531/metadc571891/
Photograph of the U.S.S. Oklahoma steaming past a seventh fleet supply ship in the South China Sea off the coast of Vietnam https://gateway.okhistory.org/ark:/67531/metadc1619509/
"From the collection of the Oklahoma Historical Society is this photo of two sailors on leave from the USS Oklahoma." https://gateway.okhistory.org/ark:/67531/metadc360907/
Online Primary Sources
Primary Sources: WWII, University of Washington
Primary Sources: World War II, Christopher Newport University
World War II: Women on the Home Front, Digital Public Library of America
The Civil Rights Act of 1964: A Long Struggle for Freedom, Library of Congress
Diversity and U.S. Forces in World War II
Pearl Harbor: Teaching with Primary Sources, PBS
D-Day correspondence between a soldier and his wife, 1944, Gilder Lehrman
Additional Resources
Remembering Pearl Harbor, National Archives
Research Starters: D-Day, The National WWII Museum
The Ultimate Guide To World War 2 Records, Our Public Records
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