US History Academic Standards
USH.8.6 Evaluate the rise of terrorism and its impact on the United States including the 1995 bombing of the Murrah Federal Building, the first attack on the World Trade Center Towers in 1993, the attacks on September 11, 2001, the USA PATRIOT Act, and the creation of the Department of Homeland Security.
The Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture
Edward Tabor Linenthal, "Oklahoma City Bombing"
Research Center Resources
Final Report on the Bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Building: April 19, 1995 (N.p.: Oklahoma Bombing Investigation Committee, 2001).
Clive Irving, In Their Name (New York: Random House, 1995).
Marsha Kight, comp., Forever Changed: Remembering Oklahoma City, April 19, 1995 (Amherst, N.Y.: Prometheus Books, 1998).
Photograph looking southwest at the north side of the Murrah Building after the bombing, 9:15-9:30 AM, April 19, 1995, Oklahoma City, OK. https://gateway.okhistory.org/ark:/67531/metadc1624220/
Photograph used for a newspaper owned by the Oklahoma Publishing Company. https://gateway.okhistory.org/ark:/67531/metadc517532/
Photograph used for a newspaper owned by the Oklahoma Publishing Company. https://gateway.okhistory.org/ark:/67531/metadc516684/
Photograph of 1995 Murrah Building Bombing "we love you and 'share" your awful pain!" Ms. Reynolds' Kindergarten Class in Miami, Florida, Pine Lake Elementary https://gateway.okhistory.org/ark:/67531/metadc1617688/
Additional Resources
"Lesson Plans," Oklahoma City National Memorial and Museum
Oklahoma City, PBS
"Lesson Plans," 9/11 Memorial and Museum
"Understanding September 11," Scholastic
"Teaching About 9/11, National Education Association
"The 9/11 Anniversary in the Classroom," PBS
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