Oklahoma Bingo!
Oklahoma Bingo has been designed for use as an educational aid to teaching Oklahoma history. Created at the Oklahoma Historical Society, the game incorporates important people, events, and places in Oklahoma history into the long-loved game of bingo. Teachers, parents, and kids can use this game to enhance their knowledge of Oklahoma history in a fun new way.
How to Play
Print out as many sets of the bingo cards as needed. There are five different cards in the set. The center spot is the state seal and is the same on each card. There are four other squares that are the same (though not in the same location on each card): Wiley Post, scissor-tailed flycatcher, Banning and Allen, and the USS Oklahoma.
Print out the Oklahoma Bingo label sheet and cut out each of the names to use as your bingo “balls” — just draw the name out of a hat, box, or other container.
As the players are trying to find the name/topic you called, go to the Oklahoma Bingo History packet to read information about that particular event, person, or place.
The first person to get five squares in a row (horizontal, diagonal, or vertical) and call out “bingo,” wins!
Historical information