Freedmen Resources in the Records of the Five Tribes
This page lists microfilmed records from the OHS Indian Archives Collection pertaining to the Freedmen of the Five Tribes. To access the microfilm, please visit the Research Center. Use the links below to view the records of a specific tribe.
Muscogee (Creek)
CHN 16 National Council and Senate: Journals, Acts of National Council, Senate Bills, Resolutions, Rosters of Senate and Council Members and other Records
- Volume 289 National Council: April 14, 1886–November 13, 1886 This volume contains Acts of National Council for April 14, 1886–November 13, 1886, concerning Freedmen citizenship, trading licenses, divorce, per capita payment distribution, etc.
CHN 55 Cherokee Citizenship
- Volume 480 Cherokee Freedmen Doubtful Cases, A, Documents 1–650: July 18, 1900–May 17, 1907 This volume contains notations on Freedmen cases before the Commission on Citizenship in which the status of the applicants was judged to be doubtful. Name, age, sex, place of residence, names of parents, and names of former owners are given. Also recorded are the nature of the claims, references, and the final decision of the commission. There is no index.
CHN 56 Cherokee Citizenship
- Volume 474 Cherokee Freedmen Doubtful Cases, B, Documents 651–1300: June 10, 1901–December 27, 1907 This volume contains notations on Freedmen cases before the Commission on Citizenship in which the status of the applicants was judged to be doubtful. Name, age, sex, place of residence, names of parents, and names of former owners are given. Also recorded are the nature of the claims, references, and the final decision of the commission. There is no index.
- Volume 475 Cherokee Freedmen Rejected Cases, A, Documents 1–600: April 3, 1901–March 9, 1907 This volume contains notations on Freedmen cases in which the claims had been rejected by the Commission on Citizenship. Name, age, sex, place of residence, names of parents, and of former owners are given. Also recorded are the nature of claims, lists of witnesses, attorneys, and the final decision of the commission. There is no index.
CHN 81 Cherokee National Records: Letters Sent and Letters Received and Other Documents
- Cherokee (Tahlequah)-Freedmen: Undated and June 21, 1871–June 30, 1906
CHN 82 Cherokee National Records: Letters Sent and Letters Received and Other Documents
- Cherokee (Tahlequah)-Freedmen: July 2, 1906–September 24, 1910
CHN 130 Cherokee National Records: Cherokee Per Capita Payment, 1875
- For Cherokee by blood, minor children, Freedmen, and minor Freedmen as of March 4, 1907 and August 1, 1914
The following volumes contain a record of those original Dawes enrollees living as of November 5, 1875, who were eligible to receive a per capita payment due them as a result of a decision by the Indian Claims Commission in October 1873.
- The award was in favor of the Cherokee Nation as it existed from 1872 to 1893. The land in question was acquired by the United States during this period. Those eligible included individuals still living as of November 5, 1875, who were enrolled by the Dawes Commission and approved March 4, 1907. This includes Cherokee by blood, minor children, Delaware Cherokee, those enrolled by intermarriage, Freedmen, and minor Freedmen.
- There were also individuals added to the rolls by an act of Congress in August 1914. These include Cherokee by blood and Freedmen. The per capita payment roll includes the name of the original enrollee, their roll number, application number, address, date of birth, and any remarks. It includes Cherokee Freedmen approved March 4, 1907; Cherokee Freedmen approved August 1, 1914; and Cherokee Freedmen minor children, 1907.
National Archives Roll A32 Records of the Bureau of Indian Affairs Group 75: Cherokee Freedmen Payment Roll, 1897
- Cherokee Freedmen Payment Roll: 1897 Arranged by family group, this roll lists Cherokee Freedmen entitled to participate in an award by the Court of Claims. This roll is a duplicate copy used by Agent Dew M. Wisdom, who completed the work of making payments begun by Special Agent James G. Dickson. Entries give identification numbers, name, age, sex, amount due, and may include other information. For each person who had been paid by Dickson, documents include the amount paid, his signature, date of receipt, and signatures of witnesses. Approved Wallace Roll Number and Clifton approved roll numbers are also listed with the Cherokee authenticated roll number.
National Archives Roll 7RA4 Records of the Bureau of Indian Affairs Group 75: Tompkins Roll of 1867, Citizens and Freedmen of the Cherokee Nation
- Tompkins Roll: 1867
The 1867 Census of the Citizens and Freedmen of the Cherokee Nation was taken by H. Tompkins as directed by N. G. Taylor, Commissioner of Indian Affairs, by letter dated July 6, 1867. The enumeration consists of the nine Cherokee Districts in four volumes: Going Snake, Delaware, Flint, Sequoyah, Cooweescoowee, Tahlequah, Saline, Canadian, and Illinois Districts.- This census was taken as a result of the 12th Article of the Treaty of July 19, 1866, which states that the Cherokee agreed to a general council of delegates elected by each nation or tribe lawfully residing in Indian Territory, which would convene annually in the territory and that the council would be organized and possess powers as prescribed by the Treaty. It provided that after the ratification of the treaty (which occurred July 27, 1866) and as soon as deemed practical by the secretary of the interior and prior to the first session of the council, a census or enumeration of each tribe lawfully resident in the territory would be taken under the direction of the commissioner of Indian Affairs. The commissioner was authorized to designate and appoint competent persons, whose compensation would be fixed by the secretary of the interior and paid by the United States. The purpose of the census was to affix the number of delegates to the General Council. The council was to consist of a delegate for each tribe, plus an additional delegate for each 1,000 members or each fraction of a thousand greater than five hundred.
- The roll is unique in that it appears to be the first post–Civil War enumeration of the Cherokee citizens and Freedmen west of the Mississippi River. The census indicates name, age, sex, and whether the individual was Indian, white, Black, or had mixed heritage. Each district is followed by a recapitulation. The census is not indexed. The records are arranged by district: Going Snake District page 1, Flint District page 34, Cooweescoowee District page 62, Canadian District page 85, Tahlequah District page 119, Delaware District page 162, Illinois District page 192, Sequoyah District page 237, and Saline District page 263
National Archives Roll 7RA19 Records of the Bureau of Indian Affairs Group 75: Records of the Commissioner to the Five Civilized Tribes – Cherokee Census of 1896
- Census of the Cherokee Nation: 1896 Lists number, name, age, sex, how far from precinct, proportion of blood, and remarks. Freedmen information is included in Canadian District (book three), Cooweescoowee District (book three), Delaware District (books three and four), Flint District (book two), Going Snake District (book three), Illinois District (book three), Saline District (book 2), Sequoyah District (book 2), Tahlequah District (books three and four).
National Archives Roll 7RA51.1 Records of the Bureau of Indian Affairs Group 75: Records of the Commissioner to the Five Civilized Tribes – Cherokee Freedmen Rolls and Indexes, 1867–1897 (Roll 1 of 3)
- Index to the Tompkins Roll: 1867 Arranged alphabetically by surname and alphabetically by given name. Each index provides a page number reference to the Tompkins Roll. There are two volumes.
- Cherokee Freedmen Roll, Including Orphan Roll: 1880 This typed list includes names of Cherokee Freedmen appearing on the census of 1880. The list contains each Freedman's name, age, sex, and occupation. There are page numbers and 144 roll number references to Schedule 1 of the 1880 census (see National Archives Roll 7RA07.2 and 7RA07.3).
- List of Black persons whose names appear on the Clifton Roll (1896), but are not on the authenticated roll of 1880 This list includes Wallace Roll number, Clifton Roll number, name, recording district, age, and remarks. There are two volumes.
- Index to Census Rolls of Cherokee Freedmen: 1893 Includes index
- Wallace Roll This is an index to the lists of Freedmen prepared by special agent John Wallace. The index contains an individual's name, roll number, district of residence, and a page number reference to the Wallace Roll, and Clifton Roll number. Some remarks mention maiden names.
National Archives Roll 7RA51.2 Records of the Bureau of Indian Affairs Group 75: Records of the Commissioner to the Five Civilized Tribes – Cherokee Freedmen Index, 1896 (Roll 2 of 3)
- Index to Cherokee Freedmen Roll: 1896 Arranged alphabetically by surname, this typed index to the Cherokee Freedmen Roll of 1896 contains a page and enrollment number reference and the district of residence.
- Index to Cherokee Strip Freedmen Payment Roll: 1896 This is a typed index to the Cherokee Freedmen Payment Roll. Arranged alphabetically by surname, the index contains a page number and roll number reference to the payment roll.
- Index to Cherokee Freedmen Payment Roll: 1897 This is an index to the payroll of 1897.
- Cherokee Freedmen Payment Roll: 1897 Arranged numerically by office (payment) number (1–4552), this includes two copies of an 1897 payment roll of Cherokee Freedmen. The roll contains the payee's Cherokee authenticated (1880) roll number, Wallace Roll number, Clifton Roll number, office (payment) number, relation to head of household, age, and sex. The bound copy includes annotations in red ink with field numbers of Dawes enrollment cards.
- Census of the Freedmen: 1896 This is a census of the Freedmen and their descendants of the Cherokee Nation, taken by the commission appointed in the case of Moses Whitmire, trustee of the Freedmen of the Cherokee Nation, versus the Cherokee Nation and the United States in the Court of Claim at Washington, DC, the said Commission being appointed by the secretary of the interior, and composed of William Clifton, William P. Thompson, and Robert H. Kern, this roll being made from the testimony taken before said commission in the Cherokee Nation between May 4 and August 10, 1896. Included are authenticated Freedmen and their descendants and also contesting Freedmen and their descendants found by the commission entitled to be enrolled as citizens of the Cherokee Nation, and to share in the distribution of the funds found in said decree. The census lists number, name, sex, age, and district, and some notations next to names are included.
National Archives Roll 7RA51.3 Records of the Bureau of Indian Affairs Group 75: Records of the Commissioner to the Five Civilized Tribes – Cherokee Freedmen Index, 1896 (Roll 3 of 3)
- Kern-Clifton Roll of Cherokee Freedmen: 1896 See National Archives Roll 7RA51.2 under "Census of the Freedmen: 1896" for more information about the Kern-Clifton Roll. Numbers 2475–4358 are missing from roll.
National Archives Roll 7RA54.1 Records of the Bureau of Indian Affairs Group 75: Records of the Commissioner to the Five Civilized Tribes, Cherokee Census, 1893 (Roll 1 of 2)
- Census of Cherokee Nation: April 15, 1893 Arranged by type of enrollment and then by district, this manuscript census was prepared under an act of the National Council of April 15, 1893, and certified by the Joint Committee. There are lists of citizens by blood, Freedmen, Creek, Delaware, Shawnee, and adopted whites. Each list provides the individual's name, age, and the name of the person who identified the individual. It includes Canadian, Cooweescoowee, Delaware, Flint, Going Snake, and Illinois Districts.
National Archives Roll 7RA54.2 Records of the Bureau of Indian Affairs Group 75: Records of the Commissioner to the Five Civilized Tribes, Cherokee Census, 1893 (Roll 2 of 2)
- Census of Cherokee Nation: April 15, 1893 Arranged by type of enrollment and thereunder by district, the manuscript census lists were prepared under an act of the National Council of April 15, 1893, and certified by the Joint Committee. There are lists of citizens by blood, Freedmen, Creek, Delaware, Shawnee, and adopted whites. Each list provides the individual's name, age, and the name of the person who identified the individual. It includes the Illinois, Saline, Sequoyah, and Tahlequah Districts.
CKN 1 Chickasaw National Records: Census and Citizenship
- Volume 89 Choctaws in the Chickasaw Nation: 1896 This volume names all Choctaw by blood living in a household. Age and sex is also noted. There are separate lists of intermarried Choctaw with the name of the husband or wife, adopted Freedmen, and persons whose claim to citizenship was doubtful. A few names are indexed and pages 1–14 are missing.
CKN 2 Chickasaw National Records: Citizenship
- Volume 28 Records of the Chickasaw Commission: 1896 This volume contains minutes of the commission, which was created to confer with the Dawes Commission in cases involving citizenship, accounts, and dockets of cases. There is an index of cases arranged under citizens by blood and intermarriage and Freedmen.
National Archives Roll 7RA66
- Chickasaw and Choctaw Freedmen, 1896
CTN 2 Choctaw Agency: Census Records and Lists, Including Atoka, Blue, Boktuklo, and Eagle Counties: 1830–1896
- Recapitulation of Census of All Counties of the Choctaw Nation, Document 13559: December 1, 1867 and 1868 This census lists general populations of Choctaw males and females, free persons of color, Freedmen from states and other nations, acres of land of cultivation, production, number of animals raised, and white persons.
- Recapitulation of Census of All Counties of the Choctaw Nation, Document 13559: December 1, 1867 and 1868
- Choctaw Census Blue County, Document 13565: February 17, 1868 There is no index. The census lists names of Choctaw males and females, free persons of color, Freedmen from states and other nations, acres of land, production, number of animals raised, and white persons.
- Choctaw Census Eagle County, Document 13571: 1874 There is no index. The census lists names of Choctaw males and females, free persons of color, Freedmen from states and other nations, acres of land, production, number of animals raised, and white persons.
CTN 3 Choctaw Agency: Census of Choctaws by Blood and Intermarried Citizens
- Choctaw Census Jacks Fork County, Document 13560: May 20, 1868 This return, dated May 20, 1868, lists heads of household with the number of Choctaw in various age groups, the number of Freedmen and whites, and some agricultural statistics.
- Choctaw Census Jacks Fork County, Document 13584: May 20, 1880 This list, certified on May 20, 1880, lists heads of household with the number of Choctaw, Freedmen, and whites in the house. Some agricultural statistics are included.
- Choctaw Census Kiamichi County, Document 13569: April 6, 1868 This schedule lists the heads of household, number of Choctaw males and females in various age groups, numbers of Freedmen and whites and statistics on agricultural matters.
- Choctaw Census Kiamichi County, Document 13572: January 8, 1874–March 25, 1874 This schedule lists heads of household, numbers of Choctaw in various age groups, numbers of Freedmen and whites, and agricultural statistics.
- Choctaw Census Nashoba County, Document 13575: 1874 This schedule lists the names of heads of household, number in families of various age groups, number of Freedmen and whites, and agricultural statistics.
- Choctaw Census Red River County, Document 13586: Undated This schedule includes heads of household and the number of Choctaw and Freedmen in various age groupings. Some agricultural statistics are noted and the number of whites in each household, whether under permit or license or intruder.
- Choctaw Census Red River County, Document 13568: 1868 This list gives the names of heads of household with numbers of Choctaw and Freedmen in various age groupings. There are some agricultural statistics, and the number of whites with Indian wives, the number on permit and non-licensed.
- Choctaw Census Red River County, Document 13578: 1880 The schedules lists heads of household, numbers of Choctaw in various age groups, Freedmen, intermarried whites, and whites under permit and non-licensed. Agricultural statistics are also given.
CTN 4 Choctaw Agency: Census of Citizens by Blood and by Marriage, 1861–1929
- Choctaw Census Sans Bois County, Document 13587: Undated This fragment contains only seven heads of house. The list gives the number of Choctaw in various age groups, the number of Freedmen and some agricultural statistics.
- Choctaw Census Sans Bois County, Document 13576: 1874 This schedule lists heads of house, numbers of Choctaw in various age groups, persons of color and Freedmen, intermarried whites, and whites with and without permits. Agricultural statistics are also given.
- Choctaw Census Towson County, Document 13566: 1868 This census gives the names of heads of household, number of Choctaw in various age groupings, Blacks, intermarried whites, and whites with and without permits. Some agricultural statistics are included. There is a separate list of Freedmen giving the names of heads of household and number of males and females.
CTN 5 Choctaw Agency: Citizenship
- Volume 349 Choctaw Citizenship: Undated This one-page list includes individuals whose citizenship was in doubt, and consists principally of Freedmen.
CTN 7 Choctaw Agency: Census and Citizenship, Choctaw Freedmen, 1885–1897
- Volume 340 Freedmen Rolls, First District: 1885 This volume gives the names of persons admitted to citizenship, heads of families, names of wives and children, number in various age groups, nationality of parents, former owner of enslaved people, and other data. There is an index on pages 21–31; pages 23–26 are missing.
- Volume 341 Roll of Freedmen Who Elected to Leave the Nation: 1885–1886 This roll includes names of persons, names of wives and children, nationality of parents, and name of former owner.
- Volume 355 Freedmen Whose Title to Citizenship is Doubtful, Red River County: 1885 This list gives names of doubtful citizens, their children, and former owners.
- Volume 355A Freedmen Who Elected to Leave the Nation, Second District: 1885
- Volume 361 Freedmen Rolls, Second District: 1885 This volume lists the heads of families, names and numbers of children in various age groups, nationality of parents, names of former owners, and agricultural statistics. There are some notations as to deaths and persons enrolled through error. There is an index on pages 47–90. Pages 51–58, 71–78, 81–88, 91–97, 101–108, 112–117, 124–125, and 134–135 are missing.
- Volume 373 Roll of Freedmen Whose Citizenship is Doubtful, Third District: 1885 This volume lists heads of house, names of children and numbers in various age groups, nationality of parents, names of former owners, and agricultural statistics.
- Volume 374 Freedmen Who Elected to Leave the Nation, Third Judicial District: 1885 This volume contains information for only one family. Listed are the head of the house, names of wife and children, number of people in various age groups, and name of former owner.
- Volume 375 Freedmen Rolls, Third District: 1885 This volume has a one-page list of commission expenses. The balance of the volume contains rolls of Freedmen accepted for citizenship arranged by counties. Kiamitia County Pages 2–22, Blue County pages 23–38, Atoka County pages 38–51, and Jacks Fork County pages 52–57. There is an index of individuals by counties on pages 73–129. Pages 1, 58–71, 80–89, 91–98, 101–108, 112–117, and 121–128 are missing.
- Volume 432 Minutes of the Citizenship Committee: 1885 This volume contains minutes of committee meetings and applications of Freedmen for Choctaw citizenship. Names and ages of the individual Freedmen are noted with the names of their former owners.
- Volume 452 Census of Freedmen, Boktuklo County: 1896 This volume lists adult Freedmen by name, age, marital status, whether once held in slavery by the Choctaw, and whether able to read and write.
- Volume 456 Census of Freedmen, Eagle County: 1896 This volume lists adult Freedmen by name, age, marital status, whether once held in slavery by the Choctaw, and whether able to read and write.
- Volume 461 Census of Freedmen, Jackson County: 1896 This volume contains the name, age, and sex of all Choctaw Freedmen in the county with the name of former owners.
- Volume 464 Census of Freedmen, Kiamichi County: 1896 This volume contains a list of adult Freedmen in the county and includes the name, age, sex, marital status, whether once held in slavery by the Choctaw, whether able to read and write, and the number of living children that were born after September 13, 1865.
- Volume 468 Census of Freedmen, Red River County: 1896 This volume lists the names of all adult Choctaw Freedmen and gives the age, sex, marital status, whether once held in slavery by the Choctaw, and whether able to read or write. The number of living children born since September 13, 1865, is noted.
- Volume 482 Census of Freedmen, Skullyville, Sans Bois, and Tobucksy Counties: 1896 This volume contains lists of Freedmen families noting name and age.
- Volume 477 Census of Freedmen, Towson County: 1896 This volume contains adult Freedmen and, in some cases, children as well. Name, age, sex, marital status, whether a former slave of the Choctaw, and whether able to read and write are listed. The number of living children born since September 13, 1865, is also given.
- Volume 479 Census of Freedmen, Wade County: 1896 This volume lists Freedmen families giving age, sex, marital status, number of living children born after September 13, 1865, whether former slaves of the Choctaw, and whether able to read and write.
- Volume 382 Freedmen Admitted to Citizenship, Third Judicial District: 1897 This volume lists Freedmen of Kiamichi, Jackson, Blue, Atoka, and Jacks Forks Counties. Children as well as adults are named with ages, nationality of parents, name of former owners, and agricultural statistics. On page 200, there is a list of Freedmen who had failed to register in 1885, but were entitled to citizenship.
CTN 8 Choctaw Agency: Records and Documents of the General Council, Senate and House or Representatives
- Volume 307 General Council: 1889–1892 This volume contains acts, resolutions, and memorials on such matters as admitting certain Mississippi Choctaw to citizenship, establishing a boarding school for Choctaw Freedmen, and establishing election districts.
National Archives Roll 7RA35.35 Records of the Bureau of Indian Affairs Group 75: Records of the Commissioner to the Five Civilized Tribes – Choctaw, Chickasaw, and Mississippi Choctaw Freedmen, 1848–1927
- Chickasaw Freedmen Equalization Roll: 1912 Lists number, name, address, age, sex, roll number, ledger reference, balance due, payment, check number, in whose favor drawn, date of payment, and other remarks.
- Choctaw Freedmen Equalization Payment Roll: Third Quarter of 1915 Per capita payment $250.32 in lieu of an allotment. Roll includes last registration number, present registration number, name, age, sex, amount of each check or cash payment, check number, signature for cash or name of person, mark, and date.
- Choctaw Freedmen $100.00 Per Capita Payment Rolls: 1889
- Choctaw Freedmen Payment of $260.32 in Lieu of Allotment of Land
National Archives Roll 7RA63 Records of the Bureau of Indian Affairs Group 75: Records of the Commissioner to the Five Civilized Tribes – Choctaw-Chickasaw Freedmen Rolls, 1885
- Choctaw-Chickasaw Freedmen Rolls: 1885 Arranged by first, second, and third Choctaw District, and then consecutively by family group. This is a manuscript copy listing Choctaw and Chickasaw Freedmen who were admitted to citizenship in the Choctaw Nation. Also includes lists of doubtful citizens and Freedmen who had left the nation. Under Article 3 of the Treaty of 1866, approved June 28, 1866, (14 Stats. 769), Choctaw and Chickasaw Freedmen could move from the Choctaw and Chickasaw Nations and receive a per capita removal allowance. The Freedmen who left received a per capita payment of $100. Contains names of persons admitted to citizenship (heads of families and children), sex, age, nationality of parents, previous owner of Freedmen, number of livestock, and acres of land in cultivation. Informational pages are at the end of the roll.
Muscogee (Creek)
CRN 4A – Letter Book of the Creek Trading House, 1795–1816
- Section X-Creek-Freedmen, F. M. Sutton's History of Creek Freedmen Families: 1901–1908 This is a private volume, and not a national record. The compilation shows the full family connections of all Creek Freedmen who appear in the Dawes Commission census card records. In the first section, all Freedmen on the final roll are listed with their roll number, age, and names of parents. In the second section, the entire families are listed under the fathers with parents of everyone shown. The final section is arranged in the same manner under the mothers. Pages of the original were renumbered after page 106.
National Archives Microfilm A43 and A44
- Loyal Creek Payment Roll: 1905 Includes claims for property taken or destroyed during the Civil War
National Archives Microfilm 7RA5 Records of the Bureau of Indian Affairs Group 75: Dunn Rolls of 1867 and 1869 (Citizens and Freedmen of the Creek Nation)
- Dunn Rolls of 1867 and 1869 (Citizens and Freedmen of the Creek Nation) Includes an 1867 Per Capita Receipt Roll of the citizens of the Creek Nation and an 1869 Creek Freedmen Receipt Roll and index. The Creek Freedmen were enumerated prior to March 14, 1867, by J. W. Dunn, but were denied payment at that time because of their "African Descent." They did not receive payment until 1869. The Freedmen roll is in two volumes. Volume one is an alphabetical index to the roll and volume two is the receipt roll. The rolls are unique in that they appear to be the first surviving post–Civil War enumeration of the Creek citizens and Creek Freedmen west of the Mississippi River.
National Archives Roll 7RA44 Records of the Bureau of Indian Affairs Group 75 – Records of the Five Civilized Tribes Agency: Dunn Roll of Creek Freedmen and Index, 1896
- Dunn Roll of Creek Freedmen: 1867 Arranged by town and then by family group. This is a manuscript copy of a receipt roll for a per capita payment of $17.34 made under Article 3 of a treaty of June 14, 1866. The roll was certified by the chiefs of the Creek Nation on March 13, 1867. It contains the payee's name, amount received ($17.34), and mark.
- Creek Freedmen Roll: 1867 Arrange alphabetically (typed)
- Payment Rolls of Creek Freedmen: 1869 This roll was created by US Indian Agent J. W. Dunn.
- Volume 1 Dunn Rolls of 1867 and 1869 – Citizens of the Creek Nation 49
- Volume 2 Index to the Dunn Roll of 1869 – Freedmen of the Creek Nation
- Volume 3 The Dunn Roll of 1869 – Freedmen of the Creek Nation
National Archives Roll 7RA68.1 Records of the Bureau of Indian Affairs Group 75 – Records of the Five Civilized Tribes Agency: Records of the Creek Commission
- List of Applicants for Creek Citizenship: 1895–1896 Arranged alphabetically by surname, the list includes the individual's name, type of citizenship claimed, date of application, page number references to Record Books of the Commission, date of judgement, and decision rendered. The list has been annotated in blue pencil with field numbers of Dawes enrollment cards.
National Archives Roll 7RA204.1 Records of the Bureau of Indian Affairs: Payment and Annuity Rolls, 1902–1935 and Creek Equalization Payment Rolls
- Equalization Payment to Creek Citizens: 1914 This is a payroll of citizens and Freedmen of the Creek Nation, "having amounts due them to equalize their allotments on a basis of $800 as provided by Indian Appropriation Act of August 1, 1914, made by George H. Wise, Special Disbursing Agent."
National Archives Roll T529.3 Records of the Office of the Secretary of the Interior, RG48 – Final Rolls of Citizens and Freedmen of the Five Civilized Tribes in Indian Territory
- Creek and Seminole Rolls as approved by the Secretary of the Interior on or before March 4, 1907, with supplements dated September 25, 1914