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Ameringer, Freda
Ameringer, Oscar
Aunt Chick (McBirney, Nettie Caroline Williams)
Aunt Susan (Mueller, Edna Vance Adams)
Barde, Frederick Samuel
Bernstein, Jay Lee
Coleman, Emma Alfreda White
Cunningham, Agnes
Dunjee, Roscoe
Ferguson, Elva Shartel
Ferguson, Lucia Loomis
Forbes, Andrew Alexander
Garside, Ada Wills
Gaylord, Edith Kinney
Gaylord, Edward King
Gaylord, Edward Lewis
Goodale, George Lucius
Gould, Chester
Greer, Frank Hilton
Hall, Lola
Harlow, Bryce Nathaniel
Harlow, Rex Francis
Harlow, Victor Emmanuel
Hart, Mary Johanna Harum
Hartz, James L.
Harvey, Paul
Henry, Pamela Ruth
Hockman, Charles Nedwin
Hume, Annette Ross
Johnson, Edith Cherry
Jones, Evan
Keith, Harold Verne
Kent, James B. "Bennie"
Lorton, Eugene
Mallory, Mattie Maranda
Mauldin, William Henry
Miller, Paul
Moyers, Billy Don
Owen, A. Y.
Perkins, George Napier
Prettyman, William S.
Ramsey, Arthur Benjamin
Reed, Ora V. Eddleman
Robertson, William Schenck
Smitherman, Andrew J.
Sturgeon, Sallie Lewis Stephens
Thomas, Maude Omega
Twine, William Henry
Vincent, Leopold
Warden, Sibyl Dunn
Worthington, Calvin Coolidge
Ameringer, Oscar
Aunt Chick (McBirney, Nettie Caroline Williams)
Aunt Susan (Mueller, Edna Vance Adams)
Barde, Frederick Samuel
Bernstein, Jay Lee
Coleman, Emma Alfreda White
Cunningham, Agnes
Dunjee, Roscoe
Ferguson, Elva Shartel
Ferguson, Lucia Loomis
Forbes, Andrew Alexander
Garside, Ada Wills
Gaylord, Edith Kinney
Gaylord, Edward King
Gaylord, Edward Lewis
Goodale, George Lucius
Gould, Chester
Greer, Frank Hilton
Hall, Lola
Harlow, Bryce Nathaniel
Harlow, Rex Francis
Harlow, Victor Emmanuel
Hart, Mary Johanna Harum
Hartz, James L.
Harvey, Paul
Henry, Pamela Ruth
Hockman, Charles Nedwin
Hume, Annette Ross
Johnson, Edith Cherry
Jones, Evan
Keith, Harold Verne
Kent, James B. "Bennie"
Lorton, Eugene
Mallory, Mattie Maranda
Mauldin, William Henry
Miller, Paul
Moyers, Billy Don
Owen, A. Y.
Perkins, George Napier
Prettyman, William S.
Ramsey, Arthur Benjamin
Reed, Ora V. Eddleman
Robertson, William Schenck
Smitherman, Andrew J.
Sturgeon, Sallie Lewis Stephens
Thomas, Maude Omega
Twine, William Henry
Vincent, Leopold
Warden, Sibyl Dunn
Worthington, Calvin Coolidge