The Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture
In Oklahoma Territory the first separate schools (schools specifically designated for African Americans only) opened in Oklahoma City and Guthrie in 1891 and in Kingfisher in 1892. Annual training institutes, conducted in Oklahoma City for Oklahoma County teachers and aspiring candidates who were preparing for teaching examinations, were at first racially mixed. Among the Black group were professionals with powerful intellect, broad social commitment, and common interests, including their small, primitive, isolated schools, an avid interest in reading, and an intense racial pride.
The institutes led to the organization of the Ida M. Wells Teachers' Association in 1893. It included Black teachers in fourteen counties and twenty-six communities of Oklahoma Territory. By 1900 these teachers had enrolled a total of 3,929 children in the territory's separate schools. The association struggled to secure improved in school facilities and to promote professional advancement for Black teachers. Jefferson Davis Randolph served as the first president. The group later expanded into the Territorial Association of Negro Teachers. By 1907 statehood Indian Territory had a similar association, and the two provided a nucleus for the Oklahoma Association of Negro Teachers (OANT).
In December 1907, one month after statehood, sixty-seven Black teachers of the former Twin Territories met at Colored Agricultural and Normal University in Langston to reorganize their associations into the statewide Oklahoma Association of Negro Teachers. Inman E. Page, then in his ninth year as university president, hosted the meeting. According to Evelyn Strong, OANT historian, both environmental and professional challenges contributed to the nature of the group's early leadership and to the development of its mission. Presidents between 1907 and 1924, with one exception, were school principals. J. H. Brazelton served as OANT's first president, elected in 1907. In 1908 Inman E. Page succeeded him.
In the early period leaders focused on expanding membership, developing leadership, acquiring knowledge of the state school system and of the educational environment in Black communities, and improving professional competence through in-service training. Toward the end of its life the organization primarily pursued legislation to relieve problems of separate school finance. This evolved because most Black educators were acutely aware of the unfair, inequitable funding for separate schools. Children endured poor quality instruction, dilapidated buildings, and inadequate books and supplies. Smaller Black communities had little or no representation in the decision making at local or state levels.
By the 1920s many of Oklahoma's 1,170 Black teachers expressed a need for opportunities in leadership and self-expression, although older leaders desired to retain professional power. The membership compromised on a new constitution in 1924. Under it, the association improved its organizational and administrative procedures. It initiated new media of communication, new district and departmental divisions, a broader statewide educational program for Black teachers, students, and communities, new leadership destined to impact OANT's future programs, and renewed interest in legislation to improve facilities. The 1920s shaped the association's educational and legislative activities for the next two decades.
OANT pursued a variety of activities during the 1930s. Frederick D. Moon led cooperative ventures with the Langston University Alumni Association. A 1935 project resulted in legislation that provided tuition to send Black teachers and others to out-of-state colleges and universities (Blacks then could not attend any college or university in Oklahoma other than Langston, by state law). This measure operated until 1948 when Oklahoma schools began to provide graduate and professional training, and 1954 when public schools were desegregated. Another development was the reestablishment in 1935 of OANT's official organ, The Journal, edited by W. E. Anderson of Okmulgee.
The 1940s were OANT's most productive era. During World War II the association directed an intensive effort toward revising the Oklahoma Constitution and statutes to broaden public education's financial base and provide equitable funding to separate schools. As a consequence, in special referendum elections, Oklahoma voters approved constitutional amendments on July 2,1946, and July 6, 1948. Between 1946 and 1953 these two measures brought about more than $18 million in appropriations for separate schools.
On November 5, 1946, the people approved four constitutional amendments for "Better Schools." These resulted from an initiative petition jointly sponsored by the Oklahoma Education Association (OEA) and OANT. One amendment brought additional financial support to separate schools through county levies of the "Moon mill," named by some Blacks in honor of Moon, who had marshaled the drives to achieve voters' signatures for the initiative petitions that secured its inclusion as one of the four.
U.S. Supreme Court decisions in 1954 and 1955 augmented the social changes of the 1940s. In response, OANT organized a program to prepare for transition to school desegregation and to protect Black teachers' welfare. OEA also geared various activities to those purposes. Most notable were the development of research studies and communications designed to retain Black teachers in desegregated school systems. On October 28, 1955, OANT decided to merge with OEA. Even as it disbanded, OANT worked untiringly to retain employment for Black teachers after 1955. Nevertheless, as many as four hundred of them, many holding graduate degrees, were replaced by inexperienced white teachers who were recent college graduates.
OANT members had earlier begun to join OEA, and OANT was entirely dissolved by 1958. During its half-century of existence OANT had commanded unswerving support. Records reflect that in 1955, 1,500 of Oklahoma's 1,622 Black educators were members. Historically, the association's primary mission had been to raise the standards of education for Black children. OANT achieved that purpose while making a major contribution to Civil Rights.
See Also
Learn More
Leonard B. Cayton, "A History of Black Public Education in Oklahoma" (Ph.D. diss., University of Oklahoma, 1976).
Evelyn R. Strong, "The Historical Development of the Oklahoma Association of Negro Teachers: A Study in Social Change, 1893–1958" (Ph.D. diss., University of Oklahoma, 1961).
The following (as per The Chicago Manual of Style, 17th edition) is the preferred citation for articles:
Melvin R. Todd, “Oklahoma Association of Negro Teachers,” The Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture, https://www.okhistory.org/publications/enc/entry?entry=OK017.
Published January 15, 2010
Last updated July 29, 2024
© Oklahoma Historical Society