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The Oklahoma Academy of Science (OAS) was established in 1909 by faculty representing the various public colleges and universities existing in Oklahoma at that time. The academy's purpose is to stimulate scientific research; to promote fraternal relationships among those engaged in scientific work in Oklahoma; to diffuse among the state's citizens a knowledge of the various disciplines of science; and to investigate and make known the state's material and educational resources. OAS is affiliated with the American Association for the Advancement of Science.

Because science is composed of an assortment of disciplines today, the academy has subdivided into several sections. Reflecting a diversity of interests, these include: Section A, Biological Sciences (with Botany and Zoology subsections); Section B, Geology; Section C, Physical Sciences; Section D, Social Sciences; Section E, Science Communication and Education; Section F, Geography; Section G, Applied Ecology and Conservation; Section H, Microbiology; Section I, Engineering Sciences; Section J, Biochemistry and Biophysics; Section K, Microscopy; Section L, Mathematics; Section M, Environmental Sciences; Section N, Biomedical Sciences.

Membership in OAS is open to anyone who has an interest in the sciences, but primarily it consists of university faculty and their students, with smaller numbers of science teachers and government scientists making up the remainder. Elected officers form the OAS Council and include president, president-elect, immediate past president, recording secretary, and two members representing each section. In addition, with the approval of the council, the president appoints an executive director to oversee the daily activities, manage the funds, organize academy events, and represent OAS. As of 2016 OAS offices were hosted in the College of Mathematics and Science at the University of Central Oklahoma in Edmond.

OAS organizational activities are two-fold. The academy's annually published, peer-reviewed journal, Proceedings of the Oklahoma Academy of Science, features research articles. The OAS holds three yearly meetings: a Annual Technical Meeting in the fall, a Spring Field Meeting, and a Fall Field Meeting. Research presentations are given by faculty, science professionals, and students at the Annual Technical Meeting. The Spring and Fall Field Meetings are held at state parks in Oklahoma with experts leading walks describing local biodiversity and other aspects of the environment.

The Oklahoma Junior Academy of Science is a close affiliate of OAS. The junior academy recognizes and awards outstanding research by middle and high school students giving presentations at the Oklahoma State Science and Engineering Fair held each spring.

David Bass

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Learn More

Oklahoma Academy of Science, "About," at oklahomaacademyofscience.org, accessed 1 October 2016.

"Oklahoma Academy of Science," Vertical File, Research Division, Oklahoma Historical Society, Oklahoma City.

J. T. Self, "The Oklahoma Academy of Science: A History," in Proceedings of the Oklahoma Academy of Science 81 (1981), available at digital.library.okstate.edu.


The following (as per The Chicago Manual of Style, 17th edition) is the preferred citation for articles:
David Bass, “Oklahoma Academy of Science,” The Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture, https://www.okhistory.org/publications/enc/entry?entry=OK101.

Published November 9, 2016

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