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First published in September 1905 in Tulsa, Indian Territory, Sturm's Oklahoma Magazine was originally known as Sturm's Statehood Magazine. Established and edited by Missouri journalist O. P. (Oliver Perry) Sturm, the monthly publication was moved to Oklahoma City in October 1906 when it had an estimated circulation of ten thousand. The general magazine covered items of national interest as well as local topics. It featured an "Indian Department," offering Indian history and literature and edited by Ora Eddleman Reed, of Cherokee descent. Early issues included a "Home Building Department," which presented house plans and pictures of stylish homes in Indian Territory. Sturm wanted his magazine to appeal to a broad audience, one that would include both rural and urban residents. He interspersed women's fashions and a children's section called "Wonderworld" to expand his readership. His publication also provided a forum for local writers, who submitted fiction and nonfiction. Like its contemporaries, Twin Territories: The Indian Magazine and McMaster's Oklahoma Magazine, Sturm's published promotional articles on Oklahoma's early towns and natural resources. Before the publication's demise due to financial reasons in May 1911, it successfully served as an early publicity organ promoting Oklahoma.

Linda D. Wilson

Learn More

Daily Oklahoman (Oklahoma City), 29 April 1906.

Carolyn Thomas Foreman, Oklahoma Imprints, 1835–1907: A History of Printing in Oklahoma Before Statehood (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1936).

Bobby Harold Johnson, "Sturm's Oklahoma Magazine, 1905–1911: A History of a Booster Publication" (M.A. thesis, University of Oklahoma, 1962).

Esther Witcher, "Territorial Magazines," The Chronicles of Oklahoma 29 (Winter 1951–52).

Related Resources

Sturm's Oklahoma Magazine online, Oklahoma State University Early Oklahoma Serials
Sturm's Magazine Collection, The Gateway to Oklahoma History


The following (as per The Chicago Manual of Style, 17th edition) is the preferred citation for articles:
Linda D. Wilson, “Sturm's Oklahoma Magazine,” The Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture, https://www.okhistory.org/publications/enc/entry?entry=ST058.

Published January 15, 2010

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