The Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture
Often called "the literary digest of Oklahoma," Harlow's Weekly served as a nonpartisan journal that offered coverage of current events and of the state's progress during its formative years. Before founding Harlow's Weekly, Victor E. Harlow had organized a printing business, the Harlow-Ratliff Printing Company in Oklahoma City. However, the writer in him would not be overshadowed by the printer. He established Harlow's Weekly only a few months after the organization of the printing company and printed the first issue on August 17, 1912. Harlow's interest in thenews organ grew. In 1915 he sold the printing company and retained the Weekly, around which he founded the Harlow Publishing Company in Oklahoma City.
Harlow, who served as president of the publishing company, and his brother Rex composed and edited Harlow's Weekly, which was recognized throughout the state as an influential factor in Oklahoma's political life. The Weekly claimed to provide "logical thinking and accurate information" about major state events and to offer news that Oklahomans could not read in other newspapers. With an uncanny sense of happenings at the state capital, Harlow often reported his predictions of important political decisions before other newspapers printed their accounts of the events.
Harlow also issued supplements that contained such items as emergency measures passed during the legislative session and signed by the governor. The measures, published in full text as provided by the secretary of state, offered up-to-date information to lawyers, county officers, and business owners. Harlow's Weekly reported on national events through a column entitled "Oklahoma at Washington," and gave notice to minorities through columns such as "Women in Oklahoma Politics" and "Oklahoma Indian Affairs."
The publication also provided a forum for poetry and short stories written by regional writers. For three decades the Weekly served as the repository of information on Oklahoma political, industrial, commercial, social, and economic developments as well as an organ of historical and literary expression. In addition to its regular circulation, Harlow's Weekly reached a greater audience because it went to state newspaper editors, who frequently reprinted its editorials. In turn, the Weekly also published excerpts from smaller Oklahoma newspapers. Until its demise in January 1940, the journal circulated throughout the Southwest and the nation.
See Also
Learn More
Rex F. Harlow, Oklahoma Leaders: Biographical Sketches of the Foremost Living Men of Oklahoma (Oklahoma City: Harlow Publishing Co., 1928).
"Rex F. Harlow," Vertical File, Research Division, Oklahoma Historical Society, Oklahoma City.
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The following (as per The Chicago Manual of Style, 17th edition) is the preferred citation for articles:
Tally D. Fugate, “Harlow's Weekly,” The Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture, https://www.okhistory.org/publications/enc/entry?entry=HA025.
Published January 15, 2010
© Oklahoma Historical Society