The Chronicles of Oklahoma
Editorial Guidelines
What We Publish
The editor of The Chronicles of Oklahoma actively seeks manuscripts relevant to the broad sweep of Oklahoma’s rich heritage. Suitable topics include narrative history, biography, historiography, historic preservation, archaeology, anthropology, ethnohistory, and related fields of study. Manuscripts that have a national focus will be considered if there is a relevance to Oklahoma.
Editors evaluate manuscripts on a variety of criteria, including originality of idea, responsible use of source material, and writing style. No work created by AI will be accepted.
The Chronicles of Oklahoma does not publish fiction, poetry, or work that has previously appeared in another publication.
The Chronicles is published quarterly.
Submissions to The Chronicles of Oklahoma must make a persuasive historical argument supported through both primary and secondary sources. Attention should be given to the historiography of the topic. Submissions should be between 5,000 and 8,000 words. Manuscripts should be written in The Chicago Manual of Style, eighteenth edition (University of Chicago Press, 2024). Spelling and word division will follow Merriam-Webster’s Third New International Dictionary. All submissions should have endnotes.
- Submit to chronicles@history.ok.gov
- Attach your article as a Word file
- Introduce yourself and your research
The Process
Once the manuscript is submitted, it will go through a double-blind review process. Authors can expect to have their piece read by a blind reviewer. There are three possible outcomes: revise and resubmit, accept for publication, or rejection. This process can take up to six weeks.
- Once accepted for publication, a contract will be sent, and a publication date will be set. Edits on the piece will begin.
- The editorial staff will fact-check all citations.
- The piece will be edited for grammar, punctuation, and style.
- Illustrations will be chosen for the piece. Preference will be given to illustrations owned by the Oklahoma Historical Society.
- Proofs will be issued to the author for approval.
Once final changes are made, the issue will be sent to the printers. Authors will receive two complimentary issues when published. This process typically takes four to five weeks.
Previous Issues
Previous issues are available on The Gateway to Oklahoma History.
Anna Davis
Editor, The Chronicles of Oklahoma