American Indian Records and Resources
The American Indian Archives
Since 1934 the Oklahoma Historical Society American Indian Archives have housed records for numerous tribal nations. The records came to the Oklahoma Historical Society after Congress passed legislation giving the OHS custody of the materials. These records include a variety of official documents and information relating to nations in Indian and Oklahoma Territory. The archives include a significant number of records pertaining to the Five Tribes as well as other tribal nations.
The Research Division is an affiliate of the National Archives and Records Administration.
Learn about the records in the American Indian Archives.
Dawes Rolls and American Indian Ancestry
The following resources are available for researching your Indian ancestry. If you are searching for a connection to one of the Five Tribes—Cherokee, Chickasaw, Choctaw, Muscogee, and Seminole—consult the Dawes Final Roll. This final roll is the basis for determining eligibility for tribal citizenship.
Dawes Rolls and Related Records
Dawes Final Rolls of the Five Civilized Tribes
Hastain's Township Plats of the Creek Nation
Moore's Seminole Roll and Land Guide
Removal of Restrictions, Five Tribes
Additional Indian Records and Resources
1896 Applications for Enrollment, Five TribesAmerican Indian and Alaskan Native Documents in the Congressional Serial Set: 1817–1899 (from the University of Oklahoma)
American Indian Archives Index, various
American Indian Censuses on Microfilm, various
Chilocco Indian School Index
Finding Your American Indian Ancestors (PDF)
Foreman Transcripts, various
Indian Agency Employees, Official Register of the United States, various
Individual Indian Files, Plains tribes
Litton Papers, Five Tribes
Tribal compacts, various
American Indian Removal
More than sixty different tribal nations relocated to present-day Oklahoma during the nineteenth century. Although some moved voluntarily, most were forcibly removed from their homelands and assigned to a reservation in Indian Territory. To learn more, view an outline and timeline of removal.
Explore More
The Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture
Links to tribal nations with headquarters in Oklahoma today
The Office of American Indian Culture and Preservation
This office was established in 2013 by the Board of Directors of the Oklahoma Historical Society (OHS). The purpose of this office is to strengthen the ties between the federally recognized tribal nations of Oklahoma and the OHS, to work closely with tribal cultural preservation staff and assist with issues requiring expertise and guidance with culturally important materials, to conduct oral history projects with tribal elders, to provide workshops regarding preservation issues, to enhance collections development of American Indian materials, and to enhance research opportunities for tribal groups or individuals regarding the OHS collections.
Chad Williams