Collection Finding Aids
Finding aids contain information about a specific archival collection. They typically include a description of the collection, identifying numbers, information about the size of the collection, and how the materials are organized. To view a finding aid, click the links below.
This is only a partial list of OHS collections, and it will be updated as more finding aids become available. To search the archives by keyword or view a complete list of collections, please visit the Online Catalog.
2nd and 3rd Indian Regiments Collection, [1982.023]
10th United States Infantry Collection, [1982.021]
66 Bowl Collection, [2009.087]
82nd Airborne Division Collection, [2007.153]
90th Infantry Collection, [2013.529]
805th Pioneer Infantry, World War I Collection, [2013.362]
1889 Land Run Broadside, [2012.121]
A. C. Gault Collection, [2012.255]
A. D. Englesman Collection, [1996.012]
A. E. Merryman Collection
A. E. Williams Collection
A. J. and Mary Kent Farris Collection, [2011.049]
A. J. Gooding Letters Collection, [2013.075]
A. Joan Aitson Collection, [2015.176]
A. N. Chamberlin Collection, [1982.032]
A. T. F. "Tom" Seale Collection, [2007.169]
A. W. Nicklas Collection, [1996.032]
A. Y. Owen Collection, [2009.09]
A. B. Sandles Collection, [1989.006]
Abe Herskowitz Collection, [1985.093]
Abraham Jefferson Seay Collection,[2012.236]
Abram G. Hayter Collection, [1975.136]
Abstract of Native Americans, [1989.008]
Account Book Collection, [2013.406]
Acorn Club Collection, [2017.214]
Ada Lois Sipuel Fisher Collection, [2006.055]
Adair Landborn Collection, 1925-1935, [2020.094]
Adelia and Bert Hanson Collection, [2013.090]
Adell Wignall Bare Collection, [1966.028]
Adoption of the U.S. Constitution,[2013.635]
Adrian Edwards Collection, [2015.27]
African American Church Collection, [2013.505]
African American Heritage Committee, [2013.503]
African American School Records, Garvin County, [2007.031]
Agricultural Statistics Collection, [2013.295]
Al and Cori Williamson Collection, [2010.08]
Al Jennings Collection, [2012.009]
Al M. Snipes Collection, [2010.023]
Alan D. Buckley Collection, [2018.007]
Alan G. Lewis Collection, [2016.035]
Albert and Jeanette Bode Papers, [1999.029]
Albert L. Camire, Jr. Collection, [2013.344]
Albert P. Arnold Collection, [2012.251]
Albert R. Museller Collection, [1996.013]
Albert Stehno Collection, [2011.009]
Aldrich Blake Collection, [1996.003]
Alexander Posey Collection, [1972.145]
Alexander Rennie Collection, [1978.09]
Alfalfa County Voter Registration Collection, [1982.211]
Alfred L. King Collection, [1980.14]
Alice B. Davis Collection, [2013.489]
Alice B. Whitten Collection on the 89ers, [2013.226]
Alice Birdwell Brooks Collection, [1973.050]
Alice English Collection, [2011.235]
Alice Kimberlin Collection, [2018.155]
Alice Longfellow Collection, [2013.397]
Alice Robertson Collection, [1982.086]
Alicia Wilbin Collection, [2016.009]
Alinton Telle Papers, [1997.057]
Alison Cummings Collection, [2019.002]
Allan Arch McDonald Collection, [2003.01]
Alleen Selken Bell Becker Collection, [1999.067]
Allen and Alyne Martin Cherry Collection, [2011.222]
Allen Clark Collection, [2007.032]
Allen D. Graybill Collection, [2008.088]
Allen E. Coles Collection, [2010.111]
Allene (Bary) and Charlie Cooper Collection, [2016.130]
Alma Moore Collection, [2009.084]
Aloysius Larch-Miller Collection, [2013.468]
Alta Linthicum Collection, [2017.094]
Althea Bass Collection, [1982.248]
Alton P. and Myrtle White Juhlin Collection, [2012.259]
Altus Drilling Company Collection, [1969.111]
Altus, OK Assessment Roll 1898 Collection, [2013.4]
Alva J. Niles Collection, [1981.108]
Alva, Oklahoma Collection, [2013.034]
Alvin O. Turner Collection, [2011.147]
Alvin Rucker Collection, [1997.07]
Alvin Schaut Collection, [2017.036]
Alzera Marshall Diggs Letters, [2007.161]
American Chemical Society Collection, [2009.129]
American Indian Publications, [1995.054]
American Legion Collection, [2013.467]
American Red Cross of Central Oklahoma Collection, [2009.146]
Amiel Weeks Whipple Collection, [1982.091]
Amos A. Hopkins-Duke Collection, [1997.074]
Amos Chapman Collection, [1982.18]
Amy Gerson Kohn Collection, [2006.044]
Anahid Iskian Collection, [2009.001]
Andre J. Doyon Collection, [2013.24]
Andrea Brown Robinson Collection, [2016.208]
Andrew Hayes Collection, [1990.01]
Andrew J. Reynolds Collection, [2006.079]
Anita Arnold Collection, [2007.162]
Anita Letts Green Collection, [2007.253]
Anita Louise Gray Flusche Collection, [2021.076]
Ann Augusta Robertson Moore Collection, [1982.084]
Ann Fayles Collection, [2010.117]
Ann Harden Collection, [2006.034]
Ann Holloway Collection, [2014.121]
Ann Lacy Collection on U.S.S. John A. Bole, [2013.02]
Ann Mogridge Collection, [2019.01]
Anna L. B. Korn Collection, [1985.099]
Anna Lee Shetler Collection, [2002.018]
Anne M. Schneider Collection, [2017.059]
Anna R. Fait Collection, [1983.033]
Anne Lindbergh Collection, [2013.333]
Anne R. Semple Collection, [1992.002]
Annette Ross Hume Collection, [2005.019]
Another Hot Oklahoma Night Exhibit Development Collection, [2009.101]
Anstine Hotel Ledger Collection, [2013.465]
Anti-Horse Thief Association Collection, [1980.034]
Antioch Community Collection, [2009.180]
Antlers Federal Court of Criminal Appeals Documents, [2007.091]
Anton E. Goodwin Collection, [2009.032]
April Barrick Collection, [2015.139]
Archibald C. Edwards Papers, [2011.305]
Archive of the Civil War scrapbook, [2007.238]
Areda Tolliver Collection, [2012.058]
Arizona Historical Society Collection, [1990.008]
Arlan Newman Collection, [2013.085]
Arms Collection, [1988.001]
Armstrong-Holtzman Family Papers, [2005.006]
Arnoldville Cemetery Collection, [1986.109]
Aron Storck Collection, [2010.003]
Arrenie Lewis Collection, [1999.035]
Arthur Armstrong Collection, [1980.085]
Arthur Hidlebaugh Collection, [1995.097]
Arthur Jones Papers, [2013.189]
Arthur Ramsey Collection, [2008.058]
Arthur Shoemaker Collection, [2008.031]
Arvard Hudson Collection, [1982.279]
AT-6S Crash Collection, [1998.043]
Augusta Metcalf Prints, [1983.078]
Aunt Susan's Cooking School Collection, [2010.101]
Austin Companies Collection, [2008.128]
Aviation History Newspaper Collection, [2006.019]
B. F. Adair Collection, [2013.070]
B. J. Vinson Collection, [20161221]
B. J. Wexler Collection, [2012.116]
B. Lowe Collection, [2005.018]
B. O. Roop Collection, [2010.162]
Bacone College Collection, [1990.038]
Ballard's Drive-In Collection, [2012.162]
Barbara Babb Kinzer Papers, [2009.149]
Barbara Brown Collection, [2020.174]
Barbara Kerr Scott Collection, [2006.033]
Barbara Roberts Collection, [2014.173]
Bayrd Still Papers Collection, [2013.073]
Beatrix Theodosia Ward Collection, [2013.313]
Beckham County Fair Lists Collection, [1998.05]
Beck-Hildebrand Mill Museum Association Collection, [2008.078]
Bella Gibbons Collection, [1984.035]
Beluah Layman Collection, [2013.111]
Benjamin M. Turner, Mrs. Collection, [2007.166]
Ben J. Zoeller Collection,[2013.640]
Bennett Letters Collection, [1990.007]
Berlin B. Chapman Collection, [1982.085]
Bernard Red Cherries Drawings, [2007.052]
Bernice L. Sullivan Collection, [2013.368]
Bert E. Heisler Collection, [1984.022]
Bertha Armstrong Collection, [2013.231]
Bertha L. Collins Collection, [2013.31]
Bessie Kendall Fink Collection, [1999.002]
Beth W. Heimann Collection, [2008.125]
Bethayne Karr Bigelow Collection, [2013.293]
Betty Conway Gray Collection, [2006.063]
Betty Frisby Collection, [2013.252]
Betty Jo Rogers Collection, [2016.025]
Betty Lou Kendall Smith Collection, [2013.179]
Beulah D'Olive Price Collection, [2013.355]
Beverly Lundy Jones Collection, [2006.045]
Big Cabin, I.T. Collection, [1980.089]
Bill and Sandra Wayne Collection, [2007.046]
Bill Anderson Collection, [2013.323]
Bill Corbett Collection, [2015.056]
Bill Johnson Collection, [2016.178]
Bill Liebman Collection, [2012.106]
Bill Lynch Collection on Richard A. Sneed, [2011.239]
Bill Mauldin Collection, [2013.211]
Bill R. Pickett Collection, [2013.296]
Bill Selvey Collection, [2008.005]
Bill Thrash Collection, [2012.19]
Bill Warde Collection, [2013.033]
Billen Family Collection, [2014.125]
Billie S. Loshbaugh Collection, [2007.247]
Billings Post Office Records, [2007.200]
Bills Pitts Collection, [2007.185]
Billy R. Weaver, [2012.252]
Binghamton University Collection, [2010.089]
Bird Burgess Collection, [2012.127]
Black Kettle Museum Collection, [2008.039]
Black Lives Matter Protest Collection, 2020, [2020.064]
Blaine, Garland, Jr. and Martha Royce Collection, [1997.058]
Blair Stanton Williams Collection, [1996.037]
Blanche Hunter Collection, [2009.139]
Blanche K. Young Collection, [2007.206]
Blanche Tate Papers, [1999.036]
Blue Star Mothers of America, Chapter # 1 Collection, [1996.009]
Bluford E. Bryant Collection, [2007.001]
Bob Birchall Collection, [2009.174]
Bob Burke Collection, [2009.132]
Bob Klemme Collection, [2009.065]
Bob Medley Collection, [2015.164]
Bob Rea Collection, [2013.435]
Bob Ruebell Collection, [2014.066]
Bob Wills Collection, [2011.025]
Bobby Curry Collection, [2008.086]
Bobby Walton Collection, [2013.618]
Boise City and the Oklahoma Panhandle Collection, [1983.012]
BOK Center Collection, [2009.073]
Bonny M. Eicher Collection, [2014.147]
Brian Basore Collection, [2007.145]
Brigadier General Tommy L. Daniels Collection, [2013.202]
British Documents Collection, [2007.149]
Britt Willis, Mrs. Collection, [1995.014]
Brock Family Collection, [2013.046]
Brockway Glass Company Collection, [2007.135]
Brown Family Collection, [2001.018]
Bruce Maytubby Collection, [2020.065]
Brush Track Racing Film, Wagoner, Oklahoma, [2012.098]
Burt and Ruth Mackey Papers, [2006.025]
Burton vs. Howe Collection, [2013.082]
Burton Woodruff Collection, [2015.109]
Bush Family Collection, [2013.277]
Butch Ewing Collection, [2013.100]
Byas Family Collection, [2006.066]
C. A. Vose Banking Archive, [2007.037]
C. B. Rhodes Collection, [1993.075]
C. B. Spiegel Collection, [2012.095]
C. B. Wade, Mrs. Collection, [1982.166]
C. C. Daniels Collection, [2011.046]
C. C. Hammons Collection, [1997.077]
C. C. Helmerich Collection, [2013.165]
C. C. Kegelman Collection, [1984.001]
C. J. and Mellie Lawson Campbell Collection, [2013.214]
C. P. Wickmiller Collection, [2013.25]
C. R. Anthony Collection, [2009.02]
Caddo Baptist Association of Oklahoma, [2011.047]
Caddo Indians in Texas, [1981.155]
Caleb Wright Collection, [1982.031]
Campbell Russell Collection, [2010.168]
Camp Gruber Collection, [2009.075]
Canadaville Post Office Collection, [1982.022]
Canadian County History Manuscript, [2009.042]
Canyon Park Collection, [2013.469]
Capt. Riley Pitts Collection, [2013.262]
Captain Albert Sneed Collection, [1980.036]
Captain Henry B. Hicks Collection, [1999.048]
Captain Louis McLane Hamilton Collection, [2013.048]
Captain R. B. Marcy Collection, [1998.023]
Carey College Collection, [2013.33]
Carl Albert Collection, [1972.114]
Carl Richard Rauch Collection, [2015.278]
Carl Smith Collection, [2011.291]
Carl Williams Collection, [1996.066]
Carlton Ross Hume Collection, [1983.17]
Carlton Weaver Collection, [2012.241]
Carmen Hogan Collection, [2013.444]
Carney O. Dean Collection, [2010.03]
Carol Barrington Collection, [2013.106]
Carol L. Cooley Collection, [2019.082]
Carol Swan Collection, [2014.028]
Carol Terrell Collection, [2013.15]
Carol Welsh Collection, [2013.097]
Carolyn Rexroat Warner Collection, [2016.231]
Casey P. Robinson Collection, [2007.064]
Centenarians of Oklahoma Collection, [2018.209]
Charles Sikorovsky Collection, [2015.127]
Charles W. Walker II Collection, [2020.053]
Chilocco Indian School Collection, [1996.069]
Chouteau Memorial Collection, [2008.03]
Claremore Museum of History Collection, [2020.048]
C. M. Cade Papers
The Collection of The United Daughters of the Confederacy, Oklahoma Division, [2012.094]
Collection on the Battle of Round Mountain, [2012.250]
Collection on the New World School, [2011.334]
Colleen McFarland Radmaker Collection, [2015.191]
Collins-Dietz-Morris Collection, [2015.254]
Colonel Ellsworth Walters Collection, [2017.231]
Combs and Nelson Families Collection, [2007.003]
Commissioner Nelson Collection, [2013.028]
Commissioners of the Land Office Collection, [2002.025]
Company F, Indian Regiment Collection, [1984.071]
Concord Oil Company Collection, [2011.285]
Confederate Documents Collection, [2013.422]
Confederate Memorial Hall Collection, [1981.142]
Confederate Promissory Note, [2008.137]
Confederate States of America Loan Certificate Collection, [1985.097]
Constance White Todd Collection, [2013.155]
Coreta Livingston Meaden Collection, [2007.083]
Corporal Joseph G. Ralls Collection, [2013.047]
Corwin Boak Jr. Collection, [2011.225]
Corydon and Dorothy Hatt Collection, [2013.127]
Cowboy Pink Williams Collection, [2008.136]
Cowley County Historical Society Collection, [2013.204]
Cox Inventstment Company Collection, [2013.511]
Coy Melvin Mobley Collection, [2015.086]
Crader Oil and Company Collection, [2014.059]
Craig Kith Collection, [2009.091]
Creek District Association of Oklahoma Collection, [1981.138]
Creek Indian History Collection, [1981.150]
Creek Nation Journal Collection, [1981.153]
Creek Nation Juror Collection, [1982.027]
Creek Nation Land Fraud, [1990.009]
Creek Nation Tribal Towns Collection, [1998.028]
Creek Nation Warrants Collection, [1985.080]
Currie Ballard Collection, [2007.148]
Dan Taylor Collection, [2021.181]
Darrin Sabin Collection, [2021.182]
Daughters of the American Revolution Collection, [2009.096]
David Pendleton Oakerhater Collection, [2015.058]
David Suits Collection, [2017.217]
Dawn Culver Collection, [2020.125]
Dean Bryant Vollendorf Collection, [2009.157]
Dean Schirf Collection, [2019.080]
Deborah Cox Collection, 1917-1940, [2020.086]
Deborah Horst Collection, [2020.071]
Deborah Slovin Collection, [2016.283]
Delta Kappa Gamma Collection, [2009.072]
Denra Doolin Collection, 2019, [2020.041]
Don Brown Collection, [2013.651]
Edna Mae Couch Collection, [2001.001]
E. H. Kelley Collection, [2001.001]
Elizabeth Freeman Collection, [2020.151]
Elizabeth Harrison Collection, [2015.217]
Eula Narcomey Doonkeen Collection, [1997.023]
Eva Lewers Collection, [2013.492]
Federal Writers' Project Collection, [1981.105]
Fidelia Gatewood Wilson Collection, [2021.185]
First World War Servicemen Records, [2004.002]
Fletcher Williams Collection, [2018.072]
Frank Parman Collection, [21175.22]
Fred Long Collection, [2002.019]
Gary W. Banz Collection, [2018.193]
Gary Moulton Papers, [2006.02]
Gary Owens Collection, 2007, [2020.112]
Mrs. George Huff Collection,[2013.645]
George Shirk Collection, [2010.115]
George W. Harkins, [1986.119]
Gloria Farley Collection, [2013.137]
Grant Foreman Collection, [1983.229]
Greg and Patricia Burns Collection, [2017.179]
Griffith Amusement Company Collection, [2007.126]
Hannah Atkins Collection, [2007.114]
Harry G. Gwinnup Collection, [2018.145]
Hayden Donahue Collection, [1995.038]
Heck Thomas Collection, [2013.624]
Henry W. Roder Collection, 1942-1955, [2020.059]
Herb Greene Collection, [2014.089]
Hobert D. Ragland Collection, [1982.100]
Hudgins, Thompson, and Ball Inc. Collection, [2013.234]
Ingram-Butcher Collection, [2016.084]
Jack C. Montgomery Collection, [2013.659]
J. C. Thompson Collection, [2013.53]
J. S. Works Collection, [1982.278]
Jake and Joan Diggs Collection, [2007.110]
James W. Young Collection,[2013.638]
Janell James Collection, [2020.008]
Jerrie Cobb Collection, [2008.124]
Jim Cloud Collection, [1994.005]
Jimmy Stewart Collection, [2006.075]
Jo Ann Fullerton Collection,[2013.646]
Joe Hapgood Collection, 1996 and Undated, [2020.117]
Joe L. Todd Collection, [1983.243]
John Dunning Political Collection, [2006.016]
John J. Harden Collection, [2011.216]
John Kopplin Collection, [2016.268]
John Ross Letters Collection, [1982.001]
John W. Kirschner Collection, [1981.1]
John Young Bryce Collection, [1985.104]
Joi Dell Grissom Collection, [2021.214]
Joseph H. Carter Sr. Collection, [2013.625]
Joseph Whitaker Collection, [2020.14]
Judith McDaniel Collection, 1938, [2020.062]
Justice Marion Opala Collection, [2014.122]
Karen Hunter Collection, [2018.187]
Kathleen Messner Collection, 1910, [2020.013]
Kathy Hamm Blackwell Collection, 1956, [2020.018]
Kathy Johnson Collection, [2020.07]
Kevin Hern Collection, [2013.627]
Kirkpatrick Science and Air Space Museum Collections, [2007.190]
KOCO Collection, 1964-1987, [2020.026]
Krista Harris Collection, 1958, [2020.007]
Larson R. Keso Collection, [2020.080]
Linda Kathryn Lewis Collection, [2020.108]
Lisa Diggs Ashworth Collection,[2021.141]
Lloyd and Darlene Gray Collection, [2021.089]
Lola Kimball Collection, [2021.075]
Luanne J. Eisler Collection, [2021.219]
Lydia Shockley Collection, [22017.003]
Madeline Mesplay Collection, [2021.053]
Margaret D. Rowland-Gibson Collection,[2013.639]
Marion Thede Collection, [1983.23]
Mark Mayo Collection, [2020.054]
Martha Howard Collection,[2019.083]
Martha Louise Lincoln Collection,[2013.647]
Martha 'Marti' Hayes Collection, [2013.292]
Mary McCormick Collection, [2006.017]
Mason Williams Collection, [2008.164]
Max Nichols Collection, [2006.80]
Mayflower Congregational Church (Oklahoma City) Collection, [2009.168]
Melody Marks Collection, [2021.095]
Melvin R. Chatman Collection, [2018.204]
Melvin Sexton Collection, [2017.154]
Michael Hightower Collection, [2014.102]
Muriel Forsyth Cleverdon Collection, [2013.447]
Muriel Wright Collection, [1983.018]
Myra Traynor Collection, [2019.003]
Nanette Bledsoe Collection, [2019.185]
Oklahoma Air National Guard History, [2006.076]
Oklahoma Arts Council Collection, [2015.091]
The Oklahoma Children's Home Society Collection, [1995.058]
Oklahoma City Chamber of Commerce Collection, [2000.044]
Oklahoma City Urban Renewal Authority, [2015.196]
Oklahoma Constitutional Convention Collection, [2013.321]
Oklahoma Constitutional Convention Records, [1997.080]
Oklahoma Covid-19 Pandemic Collection, 2020, [2013.614]
Oklahoma Historical Society Oral History Collection, [ ]
Oklahoma Postcard Collection, [1990.037]
Oklahoma State Council of Defense Collection, [2001.037]
Opaline D. Wadkins Collection, [2013.495]
Orville E. Enfield Collection, [2002.007]
Osage Nation Political Collection, [2007.01]
Oscar and Freda Ameringer Papers, [2006.002]
OSU Plane Crash Collection, [2013.363]
Parker McKenzie Collection, [2002.026]
Pat Kelley Collection, [2021.183]
Patrick and Mary Moise Collection,[2021.162]
Patsy Cooley Collection, [2016.054]
Paul Marsh Collection, [2020.081]
Paula B. Duckett Collection, [2021.198]
Peggy Pianalto Collection,[2021.132]
Mrs. Pickering Collection on the Caddo Tribe,[2013.644]
Preston George Collection,[2008.008]
Reford Bond Sr. Collection, [2009.143]
Rick Clark Collection, 1936-1965, [2020.056]
Rob Clift Collection, [2017.056]
Robert Lovelis Collection, 1938, [2020.063]
Robert L. Williams Collection, [1982.115]
Rod Williams Collection, [2021.229]
Ronald Goforth Collection, [2021.153]
Rose Stout Collection, [2021.058]
Roy E. McGowan Jr. Collection, [2020.050]
Ruby Harris Collection, [2001.026]
Rubye Hall Collection, [2006.006]
Rufus V. Cox Collection, [1986.008]
Sally Hamblin Collection, [2021.129]
Samuel H. Rokusek Collection, [2021.05]
Samuel W. Brown Collection, [1992.001]
Sampson Family Collection, [2013.63]
Sapulpa Genealogy Club Collection, [2020.107]
Sarah Montgomery Collection, 1883-1933, [2020.113]
Seneca Indian School Collection, [1993.087]
Sharon Hollinger Collection, [2021.137]
Sherrar Museum Collection,[2016.062]
Solomon Andrew Layton Collection, [2010.183]
Sonda K. Green Collection,[2013.637]
Sondra F. Culp Collection, [2020.124]
Statehood Historic Documents, [2010.110]
State Industrial School for Girls Collection,[2013.648]
Steve Connor Collection, [2011.181]
Sunbeam Family Services Collection, [2016.138]
Susan Pokorny Collection, [2020.028]
Terry Meyers Collection, [2021.151]
Thomas E. Gray Collection, [2020.075]
Thomas Nygard Collection, [2020.051]
T. Lindsay Baker Collection, [1998.001]
Town of Lone Wolf Collection,[2013.649]
Tracey Fotiou Collection, [2020.036]
Tulsa Race Riot Commission Collection, [2006.018]
Tulsa Tribune Collection,[2013.650]
Tyler B. Holmes Collection, [2013.59]
Unfinished Constitution Collection,[2013.634]
United Daughters of the Confederacy Gen. Clement A. Evans Chapter #1204 Collection, [2007.074]
United Daughters of the Confederacy, Davis-Lee Chapter #2080, [2010.049]
United Daughters of the Confederacy, Oklahoma City Chapter #1181, [2009.034]
Vaughan Armstrong Collection, [2021.189]
Virginia Huggard Hopp Collection, [2015.19]
Virginia Vann Perry Collection, [2016.176]
Will T. Nelson Collection, [2013.436]
William Cunningham Collection, [2009.121]
William F. Harn Collection, [1984.002]
William H. Murray Collection, [1982.294]
William J. C. Delesdernier Collection,[2013.642]
William Kugee Supernaw Papers, [2009.022]
Winfred Parks Letters, [2010.059]
Yvonne Chouteau Collection,[2016.070]