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Calendar of Events 2025

The Oklahoma Historical Society, State Historic Preservation Office, presents its 2025 calendar of events. There are no registration fees unless noted. All events will take place virtually, unless otherwise stated. For more information call 405-521-6249. Note: If you have a disability and need an accommodation, call 405-521-6249 at least two (2) days before the event.

CONTINUING EDUCATION OPPORTUNITIES: Many of these programs meet the requirements for HSW hours/State of Oklahoma's Board of Governors of Licensed Architects, Landscape Architects, and Interior Designers, and for PDH hours/Oklahoma State Board of Licensure for Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors. The SHPO will email certificates of attendance after the event, and participants self-report or document their attendance per policies of the respective boards.

SHPO Lunch & Learns are virtual only - Register here
Saving the Sacred webinars are virtual only - Register here

Check back regularly for updates!

January 2025

1 SHPO Closed

16 Historic Preservation Review Committee Meeting (1:30 p.m./Dr. LeRoy H. Fischer Boardroom, 800 Nazih Zuhdi Drive, Oklahoma City; virtually via Teams)

20 SHPO Closed

21 SHPO Lunch and Learn: Care Before It's Gone (Unveiling the new SHPO State Plan) (12 p.m./Shea Otley & Lynda Ozan)

February 2025

17 SHPO Closed

19 SHPO Lunch and Learn: Finding your Native Roots, the Dawes Rolls (12 p.m./Laura Martin)

27 Saving the Sacred: “Preserving America’s-Stained Glass: Unveiling Challenges, Myths and Pathways to Sustainability” (2 p.m./Megan McElfresh)

March 2025

25 SHPO Lunch and Learn: Helium Project, Texas to Kansas (12 p.m./Victoria Green Clow and Stantec)

April 2025

TBD SHPO Lunch and Learn: Oklahoma City Bombing Memorial (12 p.m./Hans and Torrey Butzer)

9 Saving the Sacred: “Albatross or Asset: Adaptive Reuse of Sacred Places” (2 p.m./Rochell Stackhouse)

17 Historic Preservation Review Committee Meeting (1:30 p.m./Dr. LeRoy H. Fischer Boardroom, 800 Nazih Zuhdi Drive, Oklahoma City; virtually via Teams)

May 2025

4 Oklahoma History Symposium: Oklahoma in Context - Details (Oklahoma History Center, 800 Nazih Zuhdi Drive, Oklahoma City)

13 Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (10 a.m. - 11 a.m.)

14 National Register of Historic Places Overview (10 a.m. - 11 a.m.)

15 National Register of Historic Places Overview (10 a.m. - 11 a.m.)

16 The Historic Preservation Tax Credit: A Case Study (10 a.m. - 11 a.m.)

26 SHPO Closed

For more information about SHPO workshops, please contact Tifani Darata at Tiffany.Darata@history.ok.gov or 405-521-6249. You may also register online at okhistory.org/shpo/workshops. Login information for the workshops will be sent the day before the workshop is scheduled to begin.

June 2025

TBD SHPO Lunch and Learn: The Secrets of the Sanborn Maps (12 p.m./Mike Kertok)

July 2025

TBD SHPO Lunch and Learn: NTHP Grant Funding (12 p.m./Diana Maxwell and Nicole Vann)

4 SHPO Closed

17 Historic Preservation Review Committee Meeting (1:30 p.m./Dr. LeRoy H. Fischer Boardroom, 800 Nazih Zuhdi Drive, Oklahoma City; virtually via Teams)

August 2025

TBD SHPO Lunch and Learn: The Battle of Turkey Springs (12 p.m./Gerry Robinson)

September 2025

1 SHPO Closed

TBD SHPO Lunch and Learn: Lidar Technology (12 p.m./Jacob Bushong)

October 2025

TBD SHPO Lunch and Learn: Historic Overlay Zoning: What it is and how does it work?(12 p.m./Kathryn Friddle and Felicity Good)

16 Historic Preservation Review Committee Meeting (1:30 p.m./Dr. LeRoy H. Fischer Boardroom, 800 Nazih Zuhdi Drive, Oklahoma City; virtually via Teams) Agenda

November 2025

(Register for Workshops)

11 SHPO Closed

TBD Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA)

TBD Historic Preservation Tax Incentives Program Overview

TBD National Register of Historic Places: Overview

28 SHPO Closed

29 SHPO Closed

December 2025

24 SHPO Closed

25 SHPO Closed

Last Updated 12/13/2024