Determination of Eligibility Search
The following properties are not listed in the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP). However, each of them has been determined eligible for the NRHP through one of two processes outlined in federal regulations.
The Keeper of the National Register (Keeper) issues a formal Determination of Eligibility (DOE) whenever a majority of private property owners object to the listing of their property in the NRHP (36 CFR Part 60) or when a federal agency and a State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO) do not agree about NRHP eligibility during consultation under Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) [36 CFR Part 800].
A Consensus Determination of Eligibility results during a federal agency's consultation with a SHPO pursuant to Section 106 of the NHPA. If the federal agency and the SHPO agree in writing that a property within a federal undertaking's area of potential effect is eligible for the NRHP, the property is treated as if it were listed in the NRHP or was formally determined eligible by the Keeper (36 CFR Part 800).
The DOEs are arranged alphabetically first by county, then by city or vicinity, then by the property name.
Each entry also includes the following information: the Property Location (unless this information is restricted); the Type of DOE (Consensus or Formal); the National Register Criteria Code(s) under which the determination was made, followed by "(CR)" if the property is a Contributing Resource to an eligible district; and the date of the determination.
An Excel version of the list is available. Click to download the Excel file.
Updated 1/6/2025