Oklahoma Centennial Farm & Ranch Program
Applications and Forms
Centennial Farm and Ranch Questionnaire
Below you will find a link to a fillable PDF of a questionnaire for the Oklahoma Centennial Farm & Ranch Program. This questionnaire is not required; however, any information you are able to provide helps our office document the history of our centennial farms and ranches. This questionnaire can be printed and included with your application or simply emailed through the link at the top of the first page or to the email listed above on this page.
If your property was already listed as a Oklahoma Centennial Farm or Ranch in the past, please feel free to answer the questions on this questionnaire and send them to our office. They will be added to your property's file.
Question #15e Questionnaire
Question #15e Additional Continuation Sheet
Below you will find all the required application forms and instructions for the Oklahoma Centennial Farm & Ranch Program. The forms are available in either Adobe PDF or Microsoft Word or both by clicking on the appropriate icon. The Adobe PDF forms can be completed on the computer and printed (be sure to print yourself a copy as, depending upon your version of Adobe, it may not save). The Microsoft Word forms will have to printed and filled out by hand. If you need Adobe Reader, download it online. If you have any questions regarding the forms or instructions, please contact Shea Otley at 405-522-4485 or Shea.Otley@history.ok.gov
Please note the application requirements changed as of January 18, 2018, and to be eligible for the Oklahoma Centennial Farm & Ranch Program, you no longer must be over the age of 65 to lease out the land. All other requirements remain the same.