Preliminary Opinion Request
In order to assess the eligibility of properties for the National Register of Historic Places, a certain amount of information is needed. The "Preliminary Opinion on Eligibility" provides the SHPO the baseline information needed to determine whether a property meets the basic National Register criteria. These criteria involve the age of the property (at least fifty years), its historic integrity, and its demonstration of significance in our history.
This initial step is designed to save you the time and expense involved in the preparation of an actual National Register nomination, should the resource not meet the criteria.
Click below for the NATIONAL REGISTER PRELIMINARY OPINION ON ELIGIBILITY INSTRUCTIONS ONLINE. It will open in a new window for ease of use.
Information for Requesting a Preliminary Opinion (PDF) (2023 Update)
Form Required for Preliminary Opinion (PDF)
If you get a message that says "Please wait..." after clicking and nothing happens, please right click on the icon for your form and choose Save As or Save Link As to save the file to your computer. It will work properly from there. This seems to be occurring in Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome.