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State and Federal Tax Credits Online Submission
Starting Summer 2023, the National Park Service (NPS) will be taking digital submissions for all Federal Historic Preservation Tax Credit projects. The Oklahoma State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) does not yet have the capability to accept digital-only submissions for the State Historic Preservation Tax Credit. All submissions to the Oklahoma SHPO must consist of one hard copy of all submission documents (either submitted via mail or hand-delivered to our office at the address below) and one digital copy of all submission documents. The digital files must be uploaded to a folder using your organization's Box.com, Dropbox.com, or Google Drive (these are the only approved services at this time) account with the link emailed through the form below along with a list of all documents included for download; CDs, DVDs, and USB drives included with the hard copy are not acceptable.
The 30-calendar-day time frame for review begins the day when our office downloads the files or when we receive the hard copy submittal, whichever is received by our office first. A confirmation email will be sent to the Project Contact and Project Applicant to inform the parties of the SHPO’s official receipt of the submission. If you do not receive an email confirmation within 24 business hours of submitting your application materials, please contact Sara Werneke at 405-522-4478 or sara.werneke@history.ok.gov.
Please refer to the checklists (available at www.okhistory.org/shpo/taxcredits) and guides for the required documents and formats (available at www.nps.gov/subjects/taxincentives/historic-preservation-certification-application.htm) to ensure that your submission is complete and correct.