SHPO Project Suggestion Form
This form is not an application for funds, but is a tool to help the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) plan its work for the upcoming federal fiscal year (October 1 to September 30). The SHPO will consider all comments received as it develops its annual Historic Preservation Fund application to the US Department of the Interior. Each suggestion will be evaluated in accordance with the SHPO’s priorities for meeting the goals and objectives outlined in the SHPO’s Statewide Historic Preservation Plan (available at http://www.okhistory.org/shpo/stateplan). Funding for our program is extremely limited. Some of the projects suggested may be accomplished through the SHPO’s subgrant program and others may be carried out by SHPO staff. No money will be available for restoration/rehabilitation work.
Questions? Please contact Lynda Ozan at 405-522-4484 or Lynda.Ozan@history.ok.gov.
Submit Suggestions
Complete the form below or download the PDF version.