Guidelines for Subgrantees
Guidelines for Subgrantees contains the information needed to complete Historic Preservation Fund (HPF) supported activities and includes information about requesting reimbursement from the SHPO, filing progress and final reports, documenting nonfederal matching share, allowability of costs, required acknowledgment statements for publications, and other information necessary to appropriately expend the subgrant of federal financial assistance from the SHPO's programs. Certified Local Governments (CLGs) and those receiving National Register of Historic Places Nomination Grants will find this particularly helpful.
Guidelines for Subgrantees Manual (PDF)
***Guidelines for Subgrantees was last updated February 2011***
The following documents are required by SHPO subgrantees.
Contract Non-Collusion Certification (PDF)
Federal Assurances (PDF)
Project Budget, Itemized Budget, and Matching Share Disclosure Form (Microsoft Word)
Final Project Report (Microsoft Word)
This document is the final project report in Word format that you can fill in on your computer.
Progress Report (Microsoft Word)
This document is the progress report in Word format that you can fill in on your computer.
Request for Reimbursement (Microsoft Excel)
This document will calculate totals for you. Please refer to Guidelines for Subgrantees for more information.
Request for Reimbursement (PDF)
This document will not calculate totals for you. Please refer to Guidelines for Subgrantees for more information.