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Battle of Honey Springs Education Day

Friday, November 7, 2025

On Friday, November 7, 2025, students from schools across the state and the general public will have the opportunity to explore numerous education stations teaching topics related to the Civil War in Indian Territory and the battle itself. From 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., living historians will demonstrate military drills, cooking techniques, everyday activities for soldiers, and civilian life. Numerous sutlers will be selling 19th-century reproduction military equipment, clothing, books, and souvenirs, and food vendors also will be on-site. Education Day is free to the public but we ask you to preregister.

Education Day Registration

School groups are asked to preregister for Education Day.

School Group Registration

Contact Information

For more information, please call 918-617-7125 or email molly.hutchins@history.ok.gov.

Bus Arrival, Parking, and Departure

Upon your arrival, you must first confirm your registration with event staff. To check in, first stop your vehicle at the registration station. After registration check-in is complete, you will be asked to drive forward to the loading and unloading zone.

Once passengers have unloaded, the vehicle can proceed to the bus parking zone. The bus parking zone has room for buses to turn around and is roughly two miles from the unloading zone. When your group is ready to leave, make sure you are able to contact your vehicle drive, or ask for assistance at the registration station.

Loading is similar to the unloading procedure, except the vehicle will be facing the opposite direction, which may require passengers to cross the road. Use extreme caution and contact the registration station if help is needed.

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Map to the Site

Honey Springs Battlefield is located east of US Highway 69 between Oktaha and Rentiesville.

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