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Pawnee Bill Ranch and Museum


All programs require advance notification and a minimum of fifteen people. For the blacksmith program, whip act, and buffalo tour, the group must have a minimum of thirty people to schedule the activity. The fee for one program is $5 per student (ages 6–18) and $6 per adult. Each additional program is $1 more per person, per program.

Educational Resources

Our staff has created educational resources to enhance your visit. Use the links below to download the PDF documents.
Teacher's Guide
Hungry Hungry Bison: Feeding the Bison at Pawnee Bill Ranch lesson plan
Just Horsin’ Around: Measuring the Clydesdale lesson plan
More than Lincoln: Life in a Log Cabin lesson plan
Scavenger Hunt

Mansion Tour

Time: approximately 35 minutes
All ages
A trained member of our interpretive staff will guide visitors on a room-by-room tour of Pawnee Bill and May’s 1910 mansion. It is fully furnished with all of their original belongings. Participants will hear the life story of Pawnee Bill and May and learn about the history and importance of the Wild West Shows.

Mansion tours are also available for individuals or smaller groups. They require no advance notification for groups of nine or fewer.


Time: 30 minutes
All ages
A skilled blacksmith will demonstrate basic blacksmith techniques and incorporate an educational lecture on the importance of the blacksmith to ranch life.

Buffalo Program

Time: 30 minutes
All ages
This fun program takes groups on a tram ride in the exhibit pasture (weather permitting). They will learn about the history of the bison, Texas longhorn, and draft horses. Participants will also learn about conservation, ecology, and the relationship between the Pawnee Bill Ranch and the animals.

Cowboy/Whip Act

Time: 30 minutes
All ages
This lecture program allows children and adults alike to hear what life was like for a real cowboy on the cattle drives. Our cowboy interpreter is also a whip artist who can demonstrate how the bullwhip was used to manage herds and entertain audiences, too!

Log Cabin Program

Time: 30 minutes
All ages
This interactive program takes participants into a real log cabin and exposes them to true pioneer living. The program is part lecture, and part hands-on fun as children have the opportunity to play frontier games similar to those children played 100 years ago.