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Oklahoma Territorial Museum and Carnegie Library

Education and Outreach Programs

Guided Tours

All ages
Minimum: 10 people
Cost: $10 per person

Participants will walk through the galleries with a museum staff member who will provide additional details and context for the information in the galleries. Participants are encouraged to ask questions and have engaging conversations with the staff. Group members will have time to browse the museum on their own and with staff.

Have questions about guided tours? Contact us at 405-282-1889.

Book a Guided Tour

Field Trips

Grades: K–12
Minimum: 10 students
Cost: $5 per student, $5 per chaperone

To schedule a museum field trip, just complete the online form. Questions? Please contact museum staff at 405-282-1889.

Book a Field Trip

Oklahoma or Bust

Grades: K–8
Size limit: 40 students (10 students minimum)
Cost: $10 per student

This program educates grade school students on the experiences, difficulties, and choices faced by Oklahoma pioneers. Students personally experience the disappointments and triumphs of the land run through a fun, fast-paced, interactive board game played by groups of up to 40 students.

To learn more about scheduling, please call 405-282-1889.

Scavenger Hunt

Grades: K–12
Minimum: 10 students
Cost: $10 per student

Scavenger hunts are designed to engage students with the museum, and there are three levels available.

  • K–5th grade
    Matching Artifacts to Pictures: students will find artifacts in the museum based on photos provided, which allows students to use visual clues to find objects and to ensure they view as much of the museum as possible.
  • 5th–9th grade
    Artifact Hunt: students will choose an artifact in the museum and write about it using context clues and information in the galleries.
  • 9th–12th grade
    Answer Race: students will split into teams and race to answer a series of questions relating to Oklahoma history based on information gathered in the galleries.

Need help determining which level suits your students best? Contact us at 405-282-1889, and we will be happy to assist you in deciding what best fits your students.

Outreach Programs

Museum staff is available for presentations upon request. Staff specialize in history from 1880 to 1912, and are also available to discuss preservation, genealogy, and more. To schedule a presentation, education program, or another outreach opportunity, please call 405-282-1889.

Available topics for speaker opportunities include:

  • Elmer McCurdy, outlaw mummy
  • The Boomer Movement
  • Outlaws and lawmen
  • The statehood process
  • Kate Barnard, the first woman elected to state office in the United States
  • African Americans in Oklahoma Territory
  • The settlement of Oklahoma
  • The Land Run of 1889

Educational outreach options

  • Primary Source Learning for Teachers
  • Genealogical Research for Students
  • Settlement of Oklahoma: The Land Run of 1889
  • Oklahoma Symbols: The Evolution of the State Flag
  • Statehood: Joining of Oklahoma and Indian Territory