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Naming Opportunities

Individuals, foundations, or companies may support the Oklahoma Historical Society and at the same time have their names, or that of ancestors, colleagues, or family members associated with the Oklahoma Historical Society and the people, both famous and anonymous, who played roles in our state’s history, honored and remembered.

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To find out more about naming opportunities, please contact
Brittney Berling

Red River Historical and Botanical Markers

Honoring the Past and Present
Pay tribute to loved ones by honoring them with a special Red River Journey Historical or Botanical Marker on the Oklahoma History Center grounds.

Historical markers are placed along the Red River Journey to recognize sites and events from Oklahoma’s captivating past, including land openings, the Red River War, Bloomfield Mission, and the Dragoon Expedition of 1834. Botanical markers highlight specimens of various native trees and plants such as mesquite, post oak, hackberry, and western soapberry.

Each marker is a 10″ x 12″ oval standing twenty-four inches in height and can be reserved with a donation of $500. Markers will include topical information with text reading “In Honor of,” “In Recognition of,” or “Sponsored By” followed by the names of the recognized individuals.

        Distance and close-up photos of the Oklahoma Family tree and its gold and silver leaves

Oklahoma Family Tree Project

Commemorate your family name on the Oklahoma Family Tree. The Family Tree is made up of gold and silver redbud leaves which are affixed to the wall around the base of the tree. Each leaf contains three lines of lettering on a 3″ x 3″ space. The first line is for the family name; the second line lists first name(s), the last line shows a town or county. A brief family history of each family recognized on the tree will be available online and in a digital family history book located next to the sculpture.

The Oklahoma Family Tree is located just outside the Research Center in the Cooper and Gladys West Atrium Wing and Gallery at the Oklahoma History Center.

We are offering the leaves to sponsors for $1,000 each with the option of paying throughout a two-year pledge period. All proceeds benefit the Annual Giving Campaign. To order by mail, use our printable form.

Reserve Your Leaf

Family Histories
Read the stories of all of the families celebrated on the Oklahoma Family Tree.
View a list of family histories.

    Engraved pavers in the Oklahoma History Center's entryway

Legacy Limestone Pavers

Leave Your Legacy at the Oklahoma History Center
Legacy Limestone Pavers are a wonderful way for individuals, families, and organizations to leave a legacy for current and future generations at the Oklahoma History Center. Pavers can be used to recognize family, friends, and organizations, or to memorialize special individuals, groups, and events.

Legacy Limestone Pavers are located just inside the entrance to the Oklahoma History Center. Two feet by two feet in size, each paver has three lines of text with up to thirty spaces per line available for engraving.

Legacy Limestone Pavers can be reserved for a donation or pledge of $5,000. Pledges may be paid over a period of two years. All funds raised will benefit Oklahoma History Center programs. To order, please use our printable form.

Reserve Your Paver