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2021 Oklahoma History Conference
“Perspectives in History”

Terms and Code of Conduct

By registering or participating in the conference you are agreeing to the following conditions on participation:

I am over the age of 18 (for those under the age of 18, a parent or legal guardian must provide written consent to the Oklahoma Historical Society if he or she wishes to register his or her child/ward in this program).

I understand that the Oklahoma Historical Society may remove me from the program at any time if it determines that my use of the Q&A or chat and/or polls function does not comply with the Code of Conduct.

Be civil and respectful. Do not use profane language or content, a harassing language or tone, obscene sexual content, or links to obscene sexual content.

Content that promotes, fosters, or perpetuates discrimination on the basis of race, creed, color, age, religion, gender, marital status, status with regard to public assistance, national origin, physical or mental disability, or sexual orientation is not allowed.

No spamming, solicitations of commerce, or advertising.

Stay on topic. The Oklahoma Historical Society and its audiences expect comments to deal with the topic at hand.

Follow the laws. Do not conduct or encourage illegal activity, or post content that violates a legal ownership interest of any other party. Do not spread malicious or harmful software or other technology.

I agree that I am responsible for my voluntary choice to share an audio/video feed and to participate in the chat and poll features, and any consequences of that sharing. I will conceal from view any private, sensitive, or confidential materials, and avoid sharing any information I would not want made public. Similarly, I only will share information, media, or other content, that is mine to share during the program and for the Oklahoma Historical Society to use as described in this agreement without the need for further permission from third parties (for example, I will not share someone else’s copyrighted material or personal information).

The Oklahoma Historical Society has the right to copy, modify, publicly share, and otherwise use the recordings, in whole or in part, in all forms of media now known or later developed related to the project and in connection with other standard museum uses, without compensation to me or the need for further approvals. Such standard museum uses include, but are not limited to, use in connection with archives, exhibitions, philanthropic-fundraising, public programming, publications, publicity, scholarship, websites, and social media platforms where the Oklahoma Historical Society maintains a presence.

The Oklahoma Historical Society is under no obligation to use any recordings, in whole or in part, if made. The recordings will be archived or disposed of according to applicable Oklahoma Historical Society record retention and archiving policies and practices.

I release and hold harmless the Oklahoma Historical Society, its board of directors, agents, employees, and volunteers, from any and all claims, actions, and demands of whatsoever nature, including but not limited to libel or privacy, arising out of my participation in the program and the Oklahoma Historical Society’s use of any recording of the program.

Oklahoma History Conference Session Descriptions
Terms and Code of Conduct

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