Major General
Toney Stricklin
Inducted 2006
Toney Stricklin
Major General Toney Stricklin is a graduate of Cameron University in Lawton, who was commissioned in 1970 through the Army's Officer Candidate School program, rose to become a major general in Artillery, and eventually became commanding general of the Army Field Artillery Center and of Fort Sill, Oklahoma. His combat experience was in the Vietnamese conflict, where he was an artillery forward observer in the 23rd Infantry Division and later Executive Officer for his battery, earning the Bronze Star for his service in that war.
His career continued upward, to include service as Chief of the Nuclear Surety Assistance Team, Executive Officer to the director of the President's Blue Ribbon Commission on Defense Management, commander of a field artillery brigade, deputy commanding general of the Army Field Artillery Center, and preceding his retirement as Commanding General of the Center.
Among major awards, he received the Distinguished Service Medal, Defense Superior Service Medal, and the Legion of Merit. Following retirement he served our state on its board for Career and Technology Education, and his own community on the Executive Board of the Lawton Chamber of Commerce. He has been president of the Southwest Oklahoma chapter of the Military Officers Association of America. He played a major role in the support of Fort Sill and other Oklahoma military installations in the BRAC survey, involved in the closing of military basis throughout the country.