Unconquered: Allan Houser and the Legacy of One Apache Family
The art of Allan Houser and his sons, Phillip and Bob Haozous, reflect the history of their people, the Fort Sill Apache Tribe. Removed from their original homelands in New Mexico and Arizona in 1886 to military forts in Florida, Alabama, and eventually Fort Sill, Oklahoma, they endured twenty-seven years of incarceration as prisoners of war. Allan Houser, born in 1914 to Sam and Blossom Haozous, grew up on his family’s farm near Apache, Oklahoma. The strong foundation provided by his parents inspired Allan Houser to become one of the most recognizable artists of our time. It is no wonder that his sons, Phillip and Bob Haozous, are artists. Each of these three individuals forged their own unique path as an artist.
This exhibit tells the story of their journeys to become artists while recognizing the family and cultural impact on their creative expression.